Weekly Newsletter


Important Dates

September 21 - Continued All Cohorts All Remote

September 28 - School is Closed

September 29 - In Person School Begins

September 29 - PTA Virtual Meeting, 6:30pm


Please click the link below to hear about the delay of In Person Learning. We will now begin the week of September 29, with All Cohorts staying remote for next week:

Mayor de Blasio, Chancellor Carranza, UFT and CSA Announce School Reopening Schedule and Staffing Plan

Please continue to check your Google Classrooms for information from your teacher. As a reminder, you should also check Mr. Foreman's Google Classroom for important updates: class code gk2k2sr


Latest Message from Mr. Foreman


Latest Message from the Chancellor

Messages for Families


Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year

From the DOE: Learning Bridges Survey

Please complete this survey to express interest in the Learning Bridges program, which will provide child care options for children from 3-K through 8th grade this fall for days when they are not in school buildings.

As the New York City Department of Education resumes in-person schooling this fall, most schools and sites will operate on a blended learning model. This will include some in-person services for a portion of the week and reduced class sizes in accordance with social distancing guidance.

The information collected in this survey will be used to guide the City's planning for the Learning Bridges program. Families can expect more information about a potential placement in the coming weeks. Please note: programs will become available on a rolling basis through the start of school.

School-Wide Reminder


Please complete the Emergency Blue Card here:  Emergency Blue Card Email the completed form to dwattenbarger@ps154.org


If you received a DOE iPad last school year and do not need it this year, please return it to our school as soon as possible. You can drop it off at school any week day between 8am - 2pm. Please contact dwattenbarger@ps154.org if you have questions.

NYC Schools Account

If you haven’t done so yet, please sign up for a NYC Schools Account (NYCSA). With NYCSA, you can access your child’s grades, test scores, schedules, transportation information, and more—from anywhere, and in all nine standard DOE language translations. This will also be the best way the DOE can contact you via phone, email, or text message.

Sign up for your NYC Schools Account today!

PTA overview

tentative PTA General meeting dates

Please mark your calendars. We will advise of any meeting date or time changes. We look forward to seeing you all for our virtual updates!

September 29 - 6:30pm: Welcome Back Meeting

October 21 - 6:30pm

November 17 - 6:30pm

December 16 - 6:30pm

PTA fundraiser


We are so grateful to all 87 registrants who ran, walked, biked, scooted or found any way to complete our first virtual 5k fundraiser A Race Back To School on Sunday September 13! You helped us to meet our $2,000 goal for this event. Get ready for the rewards as each registered member of your 5K team will receive a custom PS 154 medal for your success very soon! 

Check out the fun images of the participants who tagged us on Facebook (PTA of PS 154) and Instagram (@ps154brooklyn)! 

SOcial EmotionaL learning committee (SEL)

Opportunity to become Chair of SeL Committee: Let’s keep the good going

The SEL Committee has done an amazing job of bringing social emotional learning skills to the PS 154 community through various programs including parenting skills workshops and professional development. Despite the absence of a much needed leader for the Chair role for the 2020/21 academic year, the first SEL event kicked off on Wednesday September 16.

Thank you to Neil Weintraub, LCSW for providing our PS154 Community with a highly relevant, timely and calming Zoom talk and Q&A session titled Keeping your Cool During the Pandemic School Year.  For those of you who would like the resources that Neil recommended, please email PTA_INFO@ps154.org.

The research behind the academic success of students immersed in social emotional learning demonstrates the importance of these experiences for our children. If you are interested in spearheading the Social Emotional Committee during this vital year when social and emotional needs are a key focus and at the forefront of both academic and family life, please email PTA_INFO@ps154.org .

After school registration


As announced earlier this week, the After School program has received the green light from the Mayor for programs to operate out of the PS 154 building, the schoolyard and the park.  Both in-person and remote learning students are welcome to sign up for in-person extended day. The groups will be in different cohorts for in-person and remote learners and will be supervised separately by our experienced After School staff who will provide a range of activities. We will announce our first day of programming through email and on the website.  

Our daily enrollment is still below the maximum capacity.  On a positive note if you completed your registration, then your spots are guaranteed. The bad news is we don't have enough students enrolled to run the PS 154 After School program. We need at least 40 students per day in order to make our program viable. Unfortunately if we cannot fill that minimum there will not be an After School program at PS 154 this fall.

If you are considering extended day for your child please enroll NOW To make enrollment more accessible we will keep extended day registration open till Friday 9/18/20, 5:00pm.  
If you have any questions please contact bmcgouranps154@gmail.com.
Important dates:

Registration for Extended Day opens - Friday 9/11 9:00 am
Registration for Extended Day closes - Tuesday 9/18 5:00 pm
Lottery announcement for Extended Day - Friday 9/21 11:00 am

Registration for Enrichment Clubs opens - Monday 9/21 9:00 am
Registration for Enrichment Clubs closes - Thursday 9/24 5:00 pm
Lottery announcement for Enrichment Clubs - Friday 9/25 11:00 am

If you have any questions please contact bmcgouranps154@gmail.com. We will be back in touch with further information, the Fall Catalog and sign up instructions soon. 

School Meals for Students, Families and Adults

New York City Extends Flexible School Meal Service for New Yorkers

Two week ago, we shared news of the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) announcement that extends the option for school districts to serve free meals to all children using the summer meal model rules, as NYC has been doing since March.  This extension will have a positive impact on the school meal service as the City begins its school year. 

In-School Meal Service for Students

On the days students are learning in school:

  • Students will have food delivered to their classroom or will pick up meals from stations positioned throughout the building to take back to eat in their classrooms.

  • Cafeterias will not be used to serve food or as places for students to sit and eat.

  • Some schools are planning to use cafeterias and other common spaces as classrooms.

Take-out Meals for Children and Families

Once school starts, most (but not all) of the DOE’s 1400 school buildings will be serving take-out meals for all children and other members of the household. 

  • No registration for meals will be required.

  • All children, whether or not they are enrolled in a school, can get take out.

  • Take-out Meal service will be available Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. (finalized times to be confirmed).

  • Three meals will be served – a breakfast and two lunches.

  • Students or parents/guardians can pick up take-out meals at convenient sites.

  • Locations for take out will be searchable by location on the DOE website and by a map on our website.

        PLEASE NOTE: 

  • At this time, families do not need to register students for take-out meals. Families with children will be able to pick up meals from any school providing take-out meals, and no ID or registration is required.

  • Adults who are picking up take-out meals for their children will be able to pick up meals for themselves at the same location and time.

Grab-and-Go Meals for Adults Only

Grab-and-go meals will be served to adults at sites across NYC.

  • Will be available Monday – Friday, 3 p.m.–5 p.m. (finalized times to be confirmed).

  • Site locations are being determined based on: a) grab-and-go data since March 2020 and b) the City's home delivered meals program.

  • Three meals will be provided, per person per day.

  • Locations will be listed on the City’s GetFood website and by a map on our website

For questions, please email info@foodadvocates.org

Weekly Newsletter


Important Dates

September 15 - Virtual SLT Meeting (contact slt_info@ps154.org for questions)

September 16 - Remote Orientation for All Students

September 21 - Full Day Teaching Begins (both in-person and remote)

September 28 - School is Closed


Latest Message from Mr. Foreman

8/26/20 Family Update

Letters from your teachers and schedules will be out soon.

Latest Message from the Chancellor

Messages for Families


Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year

From the DOE: Learning Bridges Survey

Please complete this survey to express interest in the Learning Bridges program, which will provide child care options for children from 3-K through 8th grade this fall for days when they are not in school buildings.

As the New York City Department of Education resumes in-person schooling this fall, most schools and sites will operate on a blended learning model. This will include some in-person services for a portion of the week and reduced class sizes in accordance with social distancing guidance.

The information collected in this survey will be used to guide the City's planning for the Learning Bridges program. Families can expect more information about a potential placement in the coming weeks. Please note: programs will become available on a rolling basis through the start of school.

School-Wide Reminder


If you received a DOE iPad last school year and do not need it this year, please return it to our school as soon as possible. You can drop it off at school any week day between 8am - 2pm. Please contact dwattenbarger@ps154.org if you have questions.

NYC Schools Account

If you haven’t done so yet, please sign up for a NYC Schools Account (NYCSA). With NYCSA, you can access your child’s grades, test scores, schedules, transportation information, and more—from anywhere, and in all nine standard DOE language translations. This will also be the best way the DOE can contact you via phone, email, or text message.

Sign up for your NYC Schools Account today!

PTA overview

tentative PTA General meeting dates

Please mark your calendars. We will advise of any meeting date or time changes. We look forward to seeing you all for our virtual updates!

September 29 - 6:30pm: Welcome Back Meeting

October 21 - 6:30pm

November 17 - 6:30pm

December 16 - 6:30pm



The deadline to participate in our very first virtual PTA 5k fundraiser, has been extended until Sunday September 13. A Race Back To School will raise crucial funds for the PTA as well as continue uplifting our already incredible community! Put on your 154 gear and lace up your sneakers for a run, walk, bike, or scoot anytime between now and September 13 and you’ll receive a custom PS 154 medal for your success! 

Tag us on Facebook (PTA of PS 154) and Instagram (@ps154brooklyn) to share the 5K fun!

Social Emotional Learning

Keeping your cool during the pandemic school year

Thursday September 16, 8pm

Please join us for Zoom talk from Neil Weintraub, LCSW titled Keeping your Cool During the Pandemic School Year. Neil has given several talks over the years to our school community, and will provide wonderful advice on how to navigate this school year for both yourself and your child/children. 

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87998728932?pwd=NWJHZDdGRTVHRW0vc1dVZEVBSVNRZz09

Meeting ID: 879 9872 8932

Passcode: 194336

After school registration

The After School program is still waiting for confirmation from the Mayor on the green light for after school programs to operate out of DOE buildings.  If we get the go-ahead, we will announce our first day of programming through email and on the website.  Although we are awaiting guidelines we are still planning on running registration for extended day and enrichment clubs. Please see dates below.  

Please note that the extended day registration is lottery based and there is no financial commitment until we have confirmed your spot and have the go-ahead to reopen. Registration for Enrichment Clubs includes online programming open to all while registration for in person programming is also lottery based with no financial commitment until you receive confirmation of your spot and we can reopen.

Important dates ahead:

Lottery Registration for Extended Day opens - Friday 9/11 9:00 am
Registration for Extended Day closes - Tuesday 9/15 5:00 pm
Lottery announcement for Extended Day - Friday 9/18 11:00 am

Registration for Enrichment Clubs opens - Monday 9/21 9:00 am
Registration for Enrichment Clubs closes - Thursday 9/24 5:00 pm
Lottery announcement for Enrichment Clubs - Friday 9/25 11:00 am

If you have any questions please contact bmcgouranps154@gmail.com. We will be back in touch with further information, the Fall Catalog and sign up instructions soon. 

School Meals for Students, Families and Adults

New York City Extends Flexible School Meal Service for New Yorkers

Last week, we shared news of the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) announcement that extends the option for school districts to serve free meals to all children using the summer meal model rules, as NYC has been doing since March.  This extension will have a positive impact on the school meal service as the City begins its school year. 

In-School Meal Service for Students

On the days students are learning in school:

  • Students will have food delivered to their classroom or will pick up meals from stations positioned throughout the building to take back to eat in their classrooms.

  • Cafeterias will not be used to serve food or as places for students to sit and eat.

  • Some schools are planning to use cafeterias and other common spaces as classrooms.

Take-out Meals for Children and Families

Once school starts, most (but not all) of the DOE’s 1400 school buildings will be serving take-out meals for all children and other members of the household. 

  • No registration for meals will be required.

  • All children, whether or not they are enrolled in a school, can get take out.

  • Take-out Meal service will be available Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. (finalized times to be confirmed).

  • Three meals will be served – a breakfast and two lunches.

  • Students or parents/guardians can pick up take-out meals at convenient sites.

  • Locations for take out will be searchable by location on the DOE website and by a map on our website.

        PLEASE NOTE: 

  • At this time, families do not need to register students for take-out meals. Families with children will be able to pick up meals from any school providing take-out meals, and no ID or registration is required.

  • Adults who are picking up take-out meals for their children will be able to pick up meals for themselves at the same location and time.

Grab-and-Go Meals for Adults Only

Grab-and-go meals will be served to adults at sites across NYC.

  • Will be available Monday – Friday, 3 p.m.–5 p.m. (finalized times to be confirmed).

  • Site locations are being determined based on: a) grab-and-go data since March 2020 and b) the City's home delivered meals program.

  • Three meals will be provided, per person per day.

  • Locations will be listed on the City’s GetFood website and by a map on our website

For questions, please email info@foodadvocates.org


Weekly Newsletter


The start of school has been delayed.

Please check out details here.

Important Dates

September 14 - Virtual SLT Meeting (contact slt_info@ps154.org with questions)

September 16 - Remote Orientation for All Students

September 21 - Full Day Teaching Begins (both in-person and remote)


Latest Message from Mr. Foreman

8/26/20 Family Update

Letters from your teachers and schedules will be out soon.

Latest Message from the Chancellor

Messages for Families


From the DOE: Learning Bridges Survey

Please complete this survey to express interest in the Learning Bridges program, which will provide child care options for children from 3-K through 8th grade this fall for days when they are not in school buildings.

As the New York City Department of Education resumes in-person schooling this fall, most schools and sites will operate on a blended learning model. This will include some in-person services for a portion of the week and reduced class sizes in accordance with social distancing guidance.

The information collected in this survey will be used to guide the City's planning for the Learning Bridges program. Families can expect more information about a potential placement in the coming weeks. Please note: programs will become available on a rolling basis through the start of school.

School-Wide Reminder

Confirm Your Email Address

Each summer we send out letters to your child(ren) from their teachers. We need to confirm your email address so that each child is connected to the right parent/guardian email address. Even if your email address hasn't changed, please complete this form as soon as possible. If you have questions, please email me at dwattenbarger@ps154.org. Click the link: Summer Emails 2020

Confirme su dirección de correo electrónico

Todos los veranos enviamos cartas de sus maestros a sus hijos. Necesitamos confirmar la dirección de correo electrónico de los padres para que cada niño esté conectado a la dirección de correo electrónico correcta del padre / tutor. Incluso si su dirección de correo electrónico no ha cambiado, complete este formulario lo antes posible. Si tiene preguntas, envíeme un correo electrónico a dwattenbarger@ps154.org Haga clic en el enlace: Summer Emails 2020

PTA Meeting Wrap-Up

PTA & SLT Elections

Thank you to our incredible community for a successful meeting on Tuesday evening. We are looking forward to a positive and successful school year. A Special thank you to everyone that volunteered to be a member of our PTA Exec Board and School Leadership Team. We are so grateful for you! 

PTA Budget

Along with elections, we also passed our 2020-2021 PTA Budget

HELP WANTED! Chair of the Social Emotional Learning Committee

We are in need of a parent to chair this resourceful group. Please email PTA_INFO@ps154.org with interest.

The SEL Committee was created as a sub-committee of the SLT to support and strengthen the social emotional experiences of our children, teachers, parents and the community at PS 154.  Social Emotional Learning is intended to teach children specific social-emotional skills like self-awareness, self-management, empathy, perspective taking and cooperation. In short, these are the lessons of emotional intelligence, which science has consistently shown is a greater determinant of success and happiness than IQ or academic ability. 

The research behind the academic success of students immersed in social emotional learning demonstrates the importance of these experiences for our children.

The SEL Committee aims to bring social emotional learning skills to the PS 154 community through various programs including parenting skills workshops and professional development.

Virtual 5K

Race Back to School

Please join the PTA in our very first virtual 5k fundraiser, A Race Back To School will raise crucial funds for the PTA as well as continue uplifting our already incredible community! Put on your 154 gear and lace up your sneakers for a run, walk, bike, or scoot anytime between now and Sept 8 and you’ll receive a custom PS 154 medal for your success! 

*Don’t forget to tag us on Facebook (PTA of PS 154) and Instagram (@ps154brooklyn) and share your 5K fun! 

School Meals for Students, Families and Adults

New York City Extends Flexible School Meal Service for New Yorkers

Earlier this week, we shared news of the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA)announcement that extends the option for school districts to serve free meals to all children using the summer meal model rules, as NYC has been doing since March.  This extension will have a positive impact on the school meal service as the City begins its school year. 

In-School Meal Service for Students

On the days students are learning in school:

  • Students will have food delivered to their classroom or will pick up meals from stations positioned throughout the building to take back to eat in their classrooms.

  • Cafeterias will not be used to serve food or as places for students to sit and eat.

  • Some schools are planning to use cafeterias and other common spaces as classrooms.

Take-out Meals for Children and Families

Once school starts, most (but not all) of the DOE’s 1400 school buildings will be serving take-out meals for all children and other members of the household. 

  • No registration for meals will be required.

  • All children, whether or not they are enrolled in a school, can get take out.

  • Take-out Meal service will be available Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. (finalized times to be confirmed).

  • Three meals will be served – a breakfast and two lunches.

  • Students or parents/guardians can pick up take-out meals at convenient sites.

  • Locations for take out will be searchable by location on the DOE website and by a map on our website.

        PLEASE NOTE: 

  • At this time, families do not need to register students for take-out meals. Families with children will be able to pick up meals from any school providing take-out meals, and no ID or registration is required.

  • Adults who are picking up take-out meals for their children will be able to pick up meals for themselves at the same location and time.

Grab-and-Go Meals for Adults Only

Grab-and-go meals will be served to adults at sites across NYC.

  • Will be available Monday – Friday, 3 p.m.–5 p.m. (finalized times to be confirmed).

  • Site locations are being determined based on: a) grab-and-go data since March 2020 and b) the City's home delivered meals program.

  • Three meals will be provided, per person per day.

  • Locations will be listed on the City’s GetFood website and by a map on our website

For questions, please email info@foodadvocates.org

Weekly Newsletter


Important Dates

September 1 - Virtual PTA Meeting & Election (information below)

September 1 - Community Update hosted by Principal Foreman directly after PTA meeting

September 2 - After School Q&A Session (information below)

September 15 - Virtual SLT Meeting (contact slt_info@ps154.org for questions)

September 10 - Tentative First Day of School


Latest Message from Mr. Foreman

8/26/20 Family Update

Cohort information went out. If you decided on Remote Only, then you are automatically in Cohort D and did not receive an email from us. If you have questions about your Cohort group, please contact Debby Wattenbarger at dwattenbarger@ps154.org

Latest Message from the Chancellor

Messages for Families


From the DOE: Learning Bridges Survey

Please complete this survey to express interest in the Learning Bridges program, which will provide child care options for children from 3-K through 8th grade this fall for days when they are not in school buildings.

As the New York City Department of Education resumes in-person schooling this fall, most schools and sites will operate on a blended learning model. This will include some in-person services for a portion of the week and reduced class sizes in accordance with social distancing guidance.

The information collected in this survey will be used to guide the City's planning for the Learning Bridges program. Families can expect more information about a potential placement in the coming weeks. Please note: programs will become available on a rolling basis through the start of school.

School-Wide Reminder

Don't Forget to Tell Us your Plans/ Cuéntanos tus planes:

Superintendent Skop has asked that we remind families that if you did not answer the survey requesting 100% remote learning for your child(ren), they will be considered as a blended instruction student. If you want remote learning, you must notify our principal,  Mr. Foreman, as soon as possible. Families will have the opportunity to choose remote learning at any time during the school year, but you must notify us to make that happen.

Envíe un correo electrónico al Sr. Foreman si opta por el aprendizaje solo remoto.

PTA Meeting with Elections!

September 1, 6:30PM via Zoom

Our school community will be voting on several things including the PTA Budget for the upcoming school year, PTA Executive Board positions, and SLT Parent Representatives.

PLEASE NOTE: There will also be a community update meeting hosted by Principal Foreman directly after the PTA meeting.

PTA General Meeting + Elections 

Tuesday, September 1 at 6:30 pm on Zoom

We will be electing our PTA Executive Board and three new parent members to our School Leadership Team (SLT).  We need nominees! Please consider volunteering to lead your school community.

The PTA of PS 154 serves an important fundraising, communications, and at times, problem-solving role for our school. It organizes and supports PTA-funded programs that benefit our students, and a number of events throughout the year to raise funds and build community. All PTA positions are open for nominations, you can see the full list here (scroll down to “Leadership”). Position descriptions and commitments are in our bylaws. We have no nominations for the following positions, so please consider nominating yourself for one of the following roles: Chair of Programming, Chair of Fundraising Events, Chair of Community Building Events, and Member at Large Positions (7 positions total, 3 reserved for incoming K parents).

The School Leadership Team of PS 154 consists of the principal, the PTA president, the UFT (teacher’s union) representative, and six elected parent representatives and six teachers elected by their colleagues. We will be electing 3 new parent SLT representatives. Learn about the SLT's role here and here.

What is the commitment for SLT?

  • terms are for two years (although if you can only stay for one year, that’s OK)

  • 1 x month 90-min SLT Meetings, usually Tuesdays at 4pm

  • For the 2020-2021 school year, we’ve received assurances that all meetings can take place over Zoom.

  • Members are also required to join subcommittees, make time for those monthly meetings, and put in additional work on their own time. 


If you are interested in being a leader of the SLT or the PTA, please do the following:

  • Be prepared to speak briefly (less than 2 minutes) about your interest in being on the school leadership team or PTA Executive Board during the election meeting.

  • If you’d like (optional!), you may submit a written statement of any length for parents to read before the meeting. You can send your statement to slt_info@ps154.org and it will be distributed to the PS154 community shortly before our elections.

Any questions? Please reach out to the PTA Nominating Committee chairperson and School Leadership Team Co-Chair, parent Zoë Kashner at zkashner@gmail.com or 646-515-2179.

Virtual 5K

Race Back to School

While our plans for heading Back to School look a bit different this year, we are excited to get the children back in the “classroom,” even if virtually. Please join the PTA in our very first virtual 5k fundraiser, A Race Back To School will raise crucial funds for the PTA as well as continue uplifting our already incredible community! Put on your 154 gear and lace up your sneakers for a run, walk, bike, or scoot anytime between now and Sept 8 and you’ll receive a custom PS 154 medal for your success! 

*Don’t forget to tag us on Facebook (PTA of PS 154) and Instagram (@ps154brooklyn)! 

After School Q&A Session

September 2, 6:00PM

Please join our After School Staff for a Q&A session on Sept 2 from 6:00-7:00pm on Google Meet.


Message from Ms. Fought about Bun-Bun

Hi families - 

I hope that you've had some bright spots this summer. I am thinking of you as we navigate the upcoming school year.

I am heartbroken to tell you that the 5th grade class rabbit, Bun-Bun, has passed away. He joined Room 307 ten years ago (a gift from Ms. Theodorakis) and became a bit of an unofficial school mascot. Lots of kids (and some families, too) would come by to say hello. Many of our 154 families have had a hand in Bun-Bun's care - rabbit-sitting on weekends and during the summer, donating veggies for his rabbit snacks, and providing him with pets throughout the school day. 

Bun-Bun suffered some health setbacks this school year, but the love he received from our fifth graders helped him persevere. I do believe that the energy of our students gave Bun-Bun a long and healthy life, and I thank you for that. And thank you to Nicole Brier, who set-up a Bun-Bun photo shoot during Picture Day this year (that photograph and some others are attached). 

Warm regards,

Melinda Fought

5th Grade Teacher


Help your children be as successful as possible this fall with these: