Weekly Newsletter


Welcome back to our weekly newsletter!

This newsletter contains information from our school and our PTA that we share weekly. Of course, there may be individual items and notices we need to send out at other times during the week, but most of our communications will be in one place at one time. If you miss it, or need to refer back to it, please click the News link on our website.

Important Dates

August 27 - Citywide Virtual Family & Student Info Session, 6:30pm (link below)

September 1 - PTA Meeting with elections, 6:30PM (more information below)

September 10 - Tentative First Day of School


From Principal Foreman and NYC DOE

Latest Message from Mr. Foreman

8/17/20 Family Update

FAQ from 8/18 Community Meeting

Latest Message from the Chancellor

Messages for Families


City Wide Information Session

Regístrese ahora para una sesión de información para familias y estudiantes

Register Here: Family and Student Information Session

From the DOE: Learning Bridges Survey

Please complete this survey to express interest in the Learning Bridges program, which will provide child care options for children from 3-K through 8th grade this fall for days when they are not in school buildings.

As the New York City Department of Education resumes in-person schooling this fall, most schools and sites will operate on a blended learning model. This will include some in-person services for a portion of the week and reduced class sizes in accordance with social distancing guidance.

The information collected in this survey will be used to guide the City's planning for the Learning Bridges program. Families can expect more information about a potential placement in the coming weeks. Please note: programs will become available on a rolling basis through the start of school.

School-Wide Reminders

  1. Don't Forget to Tell Us your Plans/ Cuéntanos tus planes: Superintendent Skop has asked that we remind families that if you did not answer the survey requesting 100% remote learning for your child(ren), they will be considered as a blended instruction student. If you want remote learning, you must notify our principal,  Mr Foreman as soon as possible. Families will have the opportunity to choose remote learning at any time during the school year, but you must notify us to make that happen.

    Envíe un correo electrónico al Sr. Foreman si opta por el aprendizaje solo remoto. 

  2. Confirm Your Email Address/Confirme su dirección de correo electrónico: Each summer we send out letters to your child(ren) from their teachers. We need to confirm your email address so that each child is connected to the right parent/guardian email address. Even if your email address hasn't changed, please complete this form as soon as possible. If you have questions, please email me at dwattenbarger@ps154.org.

    Todos los veranos enviamos cartas de sus maestros a sus hijos. Necesitamos confirmar la dirección de correo electrónico de los padres para que cada niño esté conectado a la dirección de correo electrónico correcta del padre / tutor. Incluso si su dirección de correo electrónico no ha cambiado, complete este formulario lo antes posible. Si tiene preguntas, envíeme un correo electrónico a dwattenbarger@ps154.org

    Click the link/Haga clic en el enlace:

    Summer Emails 2020

PTA Meeting with Elections!

September 1, 6:30PM via Zoom

Our school community will be voting on several things including the PTA Budget for the upcoming school year, PTA Executive Board positions, and SLT Parent Representatives.

PTA General Meeting + Elections 

Tuesday, September 1 at 6:30 pm on Zoom

We will be electing our PTA Executive Board and three new parent members to our School Leadership Team (SLT).  We need nominees! Please consider volunteering to lead your school community.

The PTA of PS 154 serves an important fundraising, communications, and at times, problem-solving role for our school. It organizes and supports PTA-funded programs that benefit our students, and a number of events throughout the year to raise funds and build community. All PTA positions are open for nominations, you can see the full list here (scroll down to “Leadership”). Position descriptions and commitments are in our bylaws. We have no nominations for the following positions, so please consider nominating yourself for one of the following roles: Chair of Programming, Chair of Fundraising Events, Chair of Community Building Events, and Member at Large Positions (7 positions total, 3 reserved for incoming K parents).

The School Leadership Team of PS 154 consists of the principal, the PTA president, the UFT (teacher’s union) representative, and six elected parent representatives and six teachers elected by their colleagues. We will be electing 3 new parent SLT representatives. Learn about the SLT's role here and here.

What is the commitment for SLT?

  • terms are for two years (although if you can only stay for one year, that’s OK)

  • 1 x month 90-min SLT Meetings, usually Tuesdays at 4pm

  • For the 2020-2021 school year, we’ve received assurances that all meetings can take place over Zoom.

  • Members are also required to join subcommittees, make time for those monthly meetings, and put in additional work on their own time. 


If you are interested in being a leader of the SLT or the PTA, please do the following:

  • Be prepared to speak briefly (less than 2 minutes) about your interest in being on the school leadership team or PTA Executive Board during the election meeting.

  • If you’d like (optional!), you may submit a written statement of any length for parents to read before the meeting. You can send your statement to slt_info@ps154.org and it will be distributed to the PS154 community shortly before our elections.

Any questions? Please reach out to the PTA Nominating Committee chairperson and School Leadership Team Co-Chair, parent Zoë Kashner at zkashner@gmail.com or 646-515-2179.

Virtual 5K

Race Back to School

While our plans for heading Back to School look a bit different this year, we are excited to get the children back in the “classroom,” even if virtually. Please join the PTA in our very first virtual 5k fundraiser, A Race Back To School will raise crucial funds for the PTA as well as continue uplifting our already incredible community! Put on your 154 gear and lace up your sneakers for a run, walk, bike, or scoot anytime between now and Sept 8 and you’ll receive a custom PS 154 medal for your success! 

*Don’t forget to tag us on Facebook (PTA of PS 154) and Instagram (@ps154brooklyn)! 

After School Survey

Help our After School team provide the care your family needs by answering the survey today!


UPDATED due to technical difficulties last week!

We know the school year will be starting off differently for all of us. Here are some ideas to celebrate the start of your kids’ school year under our changed circumstances.


Set up your home for remote learning.


Please see below for tips and tricks on setting your children up for a successful remote learning experience.


Learn how to support your kids’ emotions about a different kind of back to school.


If your child is struggling, there are many great resources on Child Mind Institute.

Weekly Newsletter


Welcome back to our weekly newsletter!

This newsletter contains information from our school and our PTA that we share weekly. Of course, there may be individual items and notices we need to send out at other times during the week, but most of our communications will be in one place at one time. If you miss it, or need to refer back to it, please click the News link on our website.

Important Dates

August 18 - PS 154 Virtual Community Meeting, 8:30am & 5:30pm (more information coming soon)

August 27 - Citywide Virtual Family & Student Info Session, 6:30pm (link below)

September 10 - Tentative First Day of School


From Principal Foreman and NYC DOE

Latest Message from Mr. Foreman

Family Update - 7/29/20

Latest Message from the Chancellor

Messages for Families

City Wide Information Session

Regístrese ahora para una sesión de información para familias y estudiantes

Register Here: Family and Student Information Session

School-Wide Reminders

Don't Forget to Tell Us your Plans/ Cuéntanos tus planes:

Superintendent Skop has asked that we remind families that if you did not answer the survey requesting 100% remote learning for your child(ren), they will be considered as a blended instruction student. If you want remote learning, you must notify our principal,  Mr Foreman as soon as possible. Families will have the opportunity to choose remote learning at any time during the school year, but you must notify us to make that happen.

Envíe un correo electrónico al Sr. Foreman si opta por el aprendizaje solo remoto. 

Confirm Your Email Address/Confirme su dirección de correo electrónico:

Each summer we send out letters to your child(ren) from their teachers. We need to confirm your email address so that each child is connected to the right parent/guardian email address. Even if your email address hasn't changed, please complete this form as soon as possible. If you have questions, please email me at dwattenbarger@ps154.org.

Todos los veranos enviamos cartas de sus maestros a sus hijos. Necesitamos confirmar la dirección de correo electrónico de los padres para que cada niño esté conectado a la dirección de correo electrónico correcta del padre / tutor. Incluso si su dirección de correo electrónico no ha cambiado, complete este formulario lo antes posible. Si tiene preguntas, envíeme un correo electrónico a dwattenbarger@ps154.org.

Click the link/Haga clic en el enlace: Summer Emails 2020


Community update meeting

Mr. Foreman will be holding another Community Update Meeting on Tuesday, August 18. During this meeting, he will be updating our school community on the most recent Blended Learning Model and possible schedule for the new school year.

The PTA will also be available for questions. Please consider joining our Exec Board for the upcoming school year. Parent involvement is more important now than ever before! We have seven Member at Large positions available and we love getting our incoming Kindergarten families on the board! Email us if you’re interested


Be on the look out for communication regarding our RACE BACK TO SCHOOL Virtual 5k Fundraiser over Labor Day weekend. 


We have seen an increasing interest in pod facilitation from our families. While the PTA and our school encourages parents and caretakers to lean on one another during these difficult times, we cannot take on the risk of placing families into pods or managing this outside of the school setting. However, if you are interested in connecting with other families to create a pod please feel free to use the spreadsheet created by an incoming Kindergarten family. You can enter in your information, and get in touch with other families to facilitate something that works best for you. 

Self Reporting Pod Spreadsheet


We know the school year will be starting off differently for all of us. Here are some ideas to celebrate the start of your kids’ school year under our changed circumstances.


Set up your home for remote learning.


Learn how to support your kids’ emotions about a different kind of back to school.


If your child is struggling, there are many great resources on Child Mind Institute.

Weekly Newsletter

Important Dates

March 24 - SLT Meeting, 4:15pm - CANCELLED

March 24 - 2nd - 5th Grade Armory Visit (Sign Up) - CANCELLED

March 25&26 - ELA State Tests for 3rd-5th grades

March 31 - NYC School Surveys are Due: See info below

April 6 - PTA Executive Board Mtg., 6:30pm - CANCELLED

April 7 - SLT Meeting, 4:15pm - CANCELLED

April 9 - 3rd Grade Author Visit - CANCELLED

April 9 - 17 - School Closed for Spring Break

April 20 - Return to School

Stay up to date with the efforts of our school’s leadership team. Click here for the latest information.

Stay up to date with the efforts of our school’s leadership team. Click here for the latest information.


From Principal Foreman

Screenshot 2020-02-12 18.53.20.png



DEADLINE is March 31

Give us your honest opinion. Your feedback helps improve our school.

Complete the Survey online in five easy steps!

  1. Go to nycschoolsurvey.org

  2. Click on the link to the parent & guardian survey

  3. Enter your access code (this will be on your paper survey, but you find it on-line now by following the prompts after clicking on the parent link)

  4. Complete the survey

  5. Click “Submit”

Contact Debby Wattenbarger at dwattenbarger@schools.nyc.gov with questions.

For help getting an access code, call 1-877-819-2363.

Community News


Participatory Budgeting

Participatory Budgeting is a democratic process in which community members directly decide how to spend part of a public budget. We’re excited to start collecting your ideas for how we should invest collectively in our neighborhoods this year!

Last year’s winning projects included funding a sewing circle for survivors of domestic violence in Kensington, making a greener, safer play yard at P.S. 58, installing trash cans for cleaner streets, and a program to train Spanish-speaking teens to be educators. 

Click here to see this year’s ballot.

STEM Matters NYC
Summer Enrichment Programs

Students Can Apply Now for Exciting Summer STEM Enrichment Programs!

Do you have a student entering kindergarten through grade 12 in September who is interested in having fun, unique, STEM experiences this summer? STEM Matters NYC is offering exciting enrichment and experiential learning programs. The 5-week STEM Academy (previously known as STEM Summer in the City) is offered to students entering grades 3 through 11 in September and is located at schools throughout the city. Families can apply now using our online application through Camp in Touch.

STEM Matters NYC also offers 1-week camps at museums and zoos in all five boroughs to students entering kindergarten through grade 9 in September. Courses and internships are offered to students entering grades 10 through 12 at museums and experiential learning centers around the city.

Download our flyer, learn more, and apply now. For questions, contact STEMMattersNYC@schools.nyc.gov.

2020 Census

Fill Out the 2020 Census Online

The 2020 Census went live on Thursday! We urge you to fill it out online at my2020census.gov.

What is the Census

The Census is a nationwide population count done by the Census Bureau every 10 years. This count determines how many people represent us in Congress, and how much money our communities receive for local schools, hospitals, roads, and more.

It’s Safe, Easy, and Important

Participate Online to Avoid an In-Person Visit from a Census Taker

  • The Census Bureau will send enumerators, or Census takers, to all households that don’t fill out the 2020 Census online, over the phone, or via paper before mid-April.

  • In light of COVID-19 concerns, the best way to avoid someone coming to your door is to fill out the 2020 Census now at my2020census.gov or call 1-844-330-2020.

The Census Bureau is providing phone and online support available in 12 languages. Written guides are available in 59 languages.

Weekly Newsletter

Important Dates

March 10 -  2nd Grade City Worker Day (see below on how you can volunteer)

March 12 - PTA Meeting & Workshop: Raising Emotionally Intelligent Kids, 6:30pm

March 13 - Lip Synch Battle, 6:30pm

March 17 - SLT Meeting, 4:15pm

March 24 - 2nd - 5th Grade Armory Visit (Sign Up)

March 25&26 - ELA State Tests for 3rd-5th grades

March 31 - NYC School Surveys are Due 

Stay up to date with the efforts of our school’s leadership team. Click here for the latest information.

Stay up to date with the efforts of our school’s leadership team. Click here for the latest information.


PTA Meeting & Workshop: Parenting Beyond Gender to Raise Emotionally Intelligent Children

Thursday, March 12, 6:30-8:00PM
PS 154 MMR
RSVP here

Parenting through a gender lens can negatively impact your child’s emotional development, and yet as parents we do this, often without even realizing it. Join Denise Clay, LCSW for an interactive evening of conversation and learning, where together we will unpack our parenting biases and barriers when it comes to gender, and discuss proven strategies to help you deepen your connection with your child and support their emotional intelligence. 

Denise Clay, LCSW is psychotherapist with a background in attachment-based theory, neuroscience, interpersonal neurobiology and trauma. She is a speaker and educator, and presents to a broad range of groups in NYC. In addition to private practice Denise also offers coaching services with a brain-informed approach to helping struggling parents. 

PS 154 Cares!

Pennies for Patients (P4P) Fundraiser

We are excited to announce that we have officially kicked off our Pennies for Patients program this week! Your child should have come home with their own collection box and a flyer that explains all of the exciting Hero Gear students can receive by collecting money in their box. If it works for your family, students can set up an online page to receive donations, so that our school can make our biggest impact ever for the Mission of Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). Join our squad by clicking on the link.

When heroes work together, we change cancer!

The "Pennies for Patients" program encourages schools to participate in a spirit week to continue to raise awareness.

The Service Committee adapted the spirit week suggestions and will be promoting the following schedule:

  • Monday 3/9 - "Pajama Day" 

  • Tuesday 3/10 - "Tuesday Twin Day" 

  • Wednesday 3/11 - "Dazzling Day" - Wear something shiny.

  • Thursday 3/12 - "Crazy Day" - Wear a crazy hat or hair. 

  • Friday 3/13 - "Rainbow Day" - Wear all of your colors and bring in all of your coins!

Screenshot 2020-02-12 18.53.20.png



DEADLINE is March 31

Give us your honest opinion. Your feedback helps improve our school.

Complete the Survey online in five easy steps!

  1. Go to nycschoolsurvey.org

  2. Click on the link to the parent & guardian survey

  3. Enter your access code (this will be on your paper survey, but you find it on-line now by following the prompts after clicking on the parent link)

  4. Complete the survey

  5. Click “Submit”

Contact Debby Wattenbarger at dwattenbarger@schools.nyc.gov with questions.

For help getting an access code, call 1-877-819-2363.



CITY WORKER DAY - March 10, 9am - 11am.

Do you work for the city or have a relative or friend who does? We need city workers for the annual 2nd Grade City Worker Day, a beloved 154 tradition. Our honored guests will simply introduce themselves and then our 2nd graders circulate the room and interview them!

Contact 2nd grade teacher Laura Varriale if you or someone you know can join us!

STEM Professionals Day for 4th & 5th grade - May 4th, 9am-11am Fantastic STEM professional volunteers have made the day a big success with the 4th and 5th graders the last few years, and we are looking forward to another great day in 2020. If you or someone in your family or circle of friends has a job related to Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math and would like to be involved, please e-mail Christine Ponder, our STEM Professionals Day Parent Volunteer. Our honored guests will quickly introduce themselves and then our 4th & 5th graders circulate the room and interview them! All you need to do is come prepared to talk to the kids about your work and STEM experiences. We will follow-up with you to confirm your participation and to get information for a short biography for the 4th and 5th graders. 

Contact parent volunteer Christine Ponder.

Community News

Summer in the City

Yes, it’s already time to start thinking of summer! Summer in the City offers a variety of free Summer Academy programs for students of different ages. Summer Academy programs include hands-on STEM projects and field trips to museums, parks, and other cultural sites.
Summer in the City provides transportation and students enrolled in programming will receive a free, healthy breakfast, and lunch.

Applications open March 10th for most programs. Find out more here: Summer in the City


CEC15 Business meeting

Tuesday, March 10, 2020 6:30 pm 
M.S. 51 William Alexander
350 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215


Why should you come?

  • CEC15 is looking for an ELL Representative (Versión en Español incluída) 

    You might be interested in being part of our team if you qualify! Learn more about the Community Education Council for District 15 because we have an ELL seat available. ​An ELL representative is a parent of a student classified as an English Language Learner, either currently, or within the previous two years. If you are interested in applying to this council member seat please access the application here, to access it in Spanish click here and submit it to The Division of Family and Community Empowerment (FACE) at ccecinfo@schools.nyc.gov

  • Find out about the NEW Electric School Buses and how they will impact student transportation and our environment. Will D15 have any? Find out more and bring your questions.

  • School Safety Update: learn about some of the various safety issues that are implemented in our schools.

  • Share your feedback on the following Resolutions that we are considering adopting:

And, Save these Dates for our Upcoming Meetings:

- Mar 19, 6:00 pm CCSE Joint Meeting, M.S. 88

- Mar 31, 6.30 p.m. CEC Calendar Meeting P.S. 1

- Apr 7, 6.30 p.m. CEC Business Meeting P.S. 172

- Apr 28, 6.30 p.m. CEC Calendar Meeting Location TBD

- May 2, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.  Science Saturday P.S. 130

- May 5, 6:30 p.m. CEC15 Business Meeting Location TBD