Extended Day runs 5 days a week, Monday-Friday — from Monday, September 9, 2024 through Wednesday June 25, 2025. After school is closed during school holidays, half days, and during DOE-school closure days due to inclement weather or other closures.) See NYC Department of Education Calendar for school closures. See the After School calendar for specific early dismissal dates.
Mondays - Fridays 2:30pm - 6:00pm Extended Day programming
Extended day has three sessions per year: Fall, Winter, and Spring. You must re-register your child for extended day for each session. Registration takes place through our platform Amilia. (Not sure how to set up your Amilia account? Click here!)
Your child’s extended day registration carries over from month-to-month for the entire season unless you request a change. Extended Day services are billed per session with installment plan options directly on Amilia.
Registration is done first by grade (for example, Kindergarten) then by day (for example, Mondays.) The days you choose at the beginning of the session carry over for the entire session. For example, if I choose Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the fall session, my child will have a seat in extended day every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (that school is in session) for the full fall session. We cannot accommodate occasional day changes within the session. For example, if you are registered for Monday extended day but need a one-time switch to Tuesday, you cannot change your enrollment from Monday to Tuesday as once off switch-a-roo.
You may add, change, or decrease the number of days and which days your child attends during each new session registration. For example, in the fall my child is registered for 2-days of extended day on Tuesdays and Thursday, but in the winter, I re-register my child this time for 3 days on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays.
For the fall 2024 session, all extended day change requests received after September 6 will incur a $25 change fee PER REQUEST. If you need to increase, decrease, or change the days your child joins us for Extended Day, you may do so at the beginning of any month as long as there is space available to accommodate your needs. To request changes to your child’s extended day schedule after August 28th, please use the PS 154 After School Extended Day Change Form.
Extended Day services are billed monthly. The base rate for Extended Day is $150 for our 1-day per week plan with generous discounts given for additional days. The full tuition schedule is as follows:
One-day drop-in rate: $45
1 day per week: $150 billed monthly
2 days per week: $290 billed monthly (includes a $10 discount)
3 days per week: $425 billed monthly (includes a $25 discount)
4 days per week: $525 billed monthly (includes a $75 discount)
5 days per week: $600 billed monthly (includes a $150 discount)
Note: the discounts are automatically calculated when you add more days to your cart during registration in Amilia.
Before & After Club Add Ons
If you would like coverage for your child before a session 2 club or after a session 1 club, choose an Extended Day Add On during registration! This option will pop up once you’ve put a club in your cart. It will provide coverage with our dedicated extended day team. The fee for an Extended Day Add On is $20 / week billed for the full club season. For example, if Thursday clubs run for 10 weeks, the Thursday Extended Day Club Add On is $20 x 10 weeks = $200 (in addition to your club fee.)
You may choose to pay the full tuition for the session upon registration or choose a monthly installment plan.
For example, the fall session has 4.0 months. Upon registration for a 1-day per week plan, you may choose to pay the full $600 ($150 x 4.0). Or if you prefer the installment plan, you will be charged $100 for 1 month upon check out, then $166.67 on the 3rd of each month (Oct 3, Nov 3, Dec 3). Discounts will be automatically included and calculated in the installment plan for multi-day plans.
If you would like to be considered for a scholarship for your child to attend Extended Day, please email the PS 154 Parent Coordinator Tanica Gordon tgordon@ps154.org.
During After School your kindergartner will have fun building new friendships that often last the duration of their primary school years. As we transition from school to After School our daily schedule is planned to support your child’s confidence by creating opportunities for cooperation in both one-on-one and peer group situations through imaginative play and buddy activities. We promote the core values of teamwork and respect, and we provide your child with continuous feedback and encouragement. Some of our activities include:
Daily opportunities to make friends during all activities like having snacks, playing with toys, puzzles, interactive games, arts and crafts and storytelling. Our K program focuses on key concepts throughout different times of the year such as “agreeing,” “including,” “combining,” “conversation,” etc.
2:30pm Children picked up by After School staff from classrooms
2:40 - 3:15pm Snack and bathroom break
3:15 - 4:15pm Outdoor play in schoolyard(Indoor if inclement weather)
4:15 - 4:30pm Snack
4:30 - 5:45pm Friendship fostering classroom activities
6:00pm Pick up
1st grade
The primary goal of the program is to provide a safe and nurturing environment where students are engaged in activities designed to encourage their social, emotional, cognitive, and creative development. The physical and emotional well being of each child is, and will always be our program’s top priority.
First graders move together as a group and have their own first snack and outdoor recess time prior to homework help. We provide additional staff (including licensed teachers & assistant instructors) to meet the academic and emotional needs of our first grade group.
As first graders acclimate to higher expectations and learn academic skills homework help is postponed in After School till mid November or December.
Following indoor activities, 1st graders join our 2nd - 5th grade students for programmed and unprogrammed indoor/outdoor play until 5:45pm.
2:30pm Students picked up by After School staff from their classrooms
2:40 - 3:15pm Group snack & bathroom break
3:15 - 4:15pm Outdoor games
4:15 - 5:15pm Indoor activities, games and arts & crafts, homework time later in the year
5:00 - 5:45pm Indoor/Outdoor free play & snack
5:45 - 6:00pm Pick up
grades 2 - 5
The primary goal of the program is to provide a safe and nurturing environment where students are engaged in activities designed to encourage their social, emotional, cognitive and artistic development. The physical and emotional well being of each child is, and will always be our program’s top priority. The program is staffed by licensed teachers, assistant teachers and experienced enrichment instructors.
We offer a 30 minute recess & snack, homework time grouped by grade, and programmed and unprogrammed indoor/outdoor play after 4:30pm.
2:30pm Students are dismissed to After School in the Cafeteria or MMR
2:45 - 3:15pm Snack & Indoor/Outdoor recess (AS first recess)
3:30 - 4:45pm Indoors and homework time in the classrooms
4:45- 5:45pm Outdoors weather permitting - Snack and Homework
5:45 - 6:00pm Last Pick-Up
We are only able to offer 6:00 pm as the latest pick up at this time. You are always welcome to pick up your child(ren) earlier, We are scheduling two designated pick-up times if you choose to pick-up before 6:00 pm. You may pick-up your child(ren) at 4:15 and 5:00 and of course at the final pick-up time of 6:00pm. Please note an earlier pick-up does not mean your daily rate will be prorated. Pick-up prior to 5:45 pm is in the MMR. Last pick-up from 5:45 - 6:00 pm is in the schoolyard on Sherman Street. If there is inclement weather all pick-up is in the MMR. We allow a grace period until 6:15 for occasional commuting delays. After 6:15, we charge $1/min. Please do not give cash directly to the staff members. If a scholarship family fails to pick up by 6:00pm more than twice, scholarship status may be revoked.
Late Pick-Up Policy
After School ends at 6:00pm sharp. We understand delays and emergencies happen. Please provide 3 emergency contacts for your child in the event you are not able to make it for the very latest pick-up of 6:00 pm. If your child is with us after 6:00 pm we will make every effort to contact you. If we don’t hear from you or your authorized pick-up by 6:15 pm, we will arrange to take your child to the 72nd Police Precinct, located at 830 4th Avenue. The precinct will take appropriate follow-up action to contact the parent(s) or authorized pick-up.
If you are running late for pick-up
Please call us! The After School phone number is 718.768.0057 x 1034. If you receive our voicemail, please leave a message. We check messages frequently throughout the day.
Dismissal / Authorization
Dismissal is from the MMR. All students must be signed out by their parent or an adult authorized by their parent. If someone who is not authorized by a parent attempts to pick up a student, the student will not be released to that person until authorization has been obtained.