What’s the difference between extended day and enrichment clubs?
Extended day runs from school dismissal until 6pm from Monday, September 9, 2024 through Wednesday, June 25, 2025 every day that school is in session. Our dedicated extended day staff supervises children by grade level. Children transition from school to After School, take a bathroom break, have a snack, and socialize with friends from 2:30pm - 3:00pm on the playground. They then transition to grade-level homework halls with a lead teacher and assistant. After homework hall, children return to the playground or MMR for supervised indoor/outdoor play.

We have three seasons of enrichment clubs each year (fall, winter, and spring.) Clubs last between 6 and 14 weeks, depending on the school holiday calendar. We offer both Session 1 clubs (from 3:15pm - 4:30pm) and Session 2 clubs (from 4:45pm - 6:00pm). Children enrolled in Session 1 clubs have coverage from school dismissal until their club begins at 3:15pm. During this time, the extended day staff supervise the transition from the school day to After School, bathroom breaks, snack, and socialization time with friends. At 3:15pm, children in clubs are picked up by their club instructor and walked to their club space. Session 1 clubs end at 4:30pm, unless otherwise noted. All club children are dismissed in front of the school building. If you would like coverage for your child following a club until 6pm, you can choose an After Club Add-On during your registration process. (You will see this option pop up once you add a club to your cart.) This will add on coverage with our extended day team from club dismissal until 6pm. The fee for an After Club Add-On is $20/day payable for the entire season. For example, Thursday clubs will run for 10 weeks. The fee for Thursday After Club Add-On is $20 x 10 weeks = $200 in addition to your club tuition.

Children who want to participate in Session 2 clubs (4:45pm - 6:00pm) should register for extended day plus the session 2 club. (NOTE: Session 2 club fees are discounted to account for extended day fees already paid that day.) This will provide coverage in our extended day program from school dismissal until 4:45pm when the children in our session 2 clubs transition and participate in their clubs which end at 6pm. Alternately, families are welcome to pick up children at school dismissal and return to the school at 4:45pm for a session 2 club.

NOTE: Families must re-register for extended day and clubs for each season—in other words, enrollment in extended day and/or clubs does not carry over from fall to winter or spring.

Can my child do both Extended day and Enrichment clubs?
Yes! You can mix and match enrichment clubs, after club add ons, and extended day registrations in order to create a schedule that best fits your child’s schedule and your coverage needs. There’s no minimum or maximum of Extended Day or Enrichment Clubs you can sign up for.

When is registration?
The PS 154 After School runs 3 times per year (fall, winter, spring). There is a registration period for each season via your Amilia account. Dates are announced on the After School Overview page, on the After School calendar, and via email blasts from the PTA. Registration is on-going throughout the year depending on space and availability in each grade.

Can I change the days my child attends the extended day program?
Yes. Your child’s extended day registration carries over from month-to-month for the entire session (fall, winter, spring) unless you request a change. Extended Day services are billed monthly. If you need to increase, decrease, or change the days your child joins us for Extended Day, you may do so at the beginning of any month as long as there is space available to accommodate your needs. During open registration periods for each session, you may change your child’s schedule via your Amilia account for no fee. Once registration closes for a session, you must request extended day changes via the After School Extended Day Change Form. Each change during this period will incur a $25 change fee PER REQUEST. Extended Day change requests may take up to 2 weeks to process and do not take effect until you have received a confirmation email from the PS 154 Staff.

Can I change my child’s club schedule?
Yes. During the open registration period for each session, you may make changes to your child’s extended day and/or club schedule via your Amilia account for no fee. Once open registration closes, you may request to drop clubs by using the PS 154 After School Club Drop Form. Families will forfeit a percentage of the club tuition (from 25% - 100%) depending on when the club drop request is received (e.g. 25% prior to the first day of the club session, 50% during the first week of the club session, 100% beginning the 2nd week of the club session.)

What is the difference between open registration and closed registration?
Each club session has an open registration period (dates are announced on the After School Overview page, on the After School calendar, and via email blasts from the PTA.)  During the open registration period, families can register and make changes to their child/ren’s extended day and enrichment club schedules. Once registration closes, families must request changes to their children’s schedules via the appropriate Google request forms. Changes requested after the open registration period closes will incur a fee.

What is priority registration?
For the winter and spring sessions, the After School staff may prioritize registration in popular clubs for children who have been waitlisted for one or or more sessions.

Do you offer scholarships for the Extended Day program?
If you would like to be considered for a scholarship for your child to attend Extended Day, please email the PS 154 Parent Coordinator Tanica Gordon

What time is Extended Day pick up?
Regular Extended Day ends at 6:00pm but you may pick up your child at anytime.

What does my child do between school dismissal and first session club?
Children have a supervised snack and bathroom break between the end of the school and the start of first session clubs. Kindergarten children are picked up in their classroom by the After School staff and stay together as a group in the cafeteria until they are picked up by their club instructors. 1st - 5th grade students spend their break time either in the cafeteria, MMR, or school yard. Each club has a designated space. The After School staff posts signs and helps children navigate so they know exactly where to go. Club instructors pick up the children in the club and take them to their club classrooms 5 minutes before clubs begin.

If we sign up for a session 1 Enrichment Club but not for Extended Day, do I have to pick up my child at school dismissal and wait with them until their club starts?
No, session 1 enrichment club students will be dismissed by their teachers to the After School program. Children will enjoy a snack and 20-minute indoor/outdoor recess with our extended day students. Then, club instructors will gather students for their clubs. 

What if we sign up for a session 2 enrichment club? Do I have to pick up my child at school dismissal?
Yes. If your child is signed up only for a session 2 enrichment club, you must pick up your child from school at dismissal and then return to school at the club start time. If you’d like care for your child from from the end of school until the 2nd session club begins, you may sign up for Extended Day as well. Then your child would join the Extended Day students for snack, recess, and homework help before attending the session 2 club. Session 2 clubs are dismissed in front of the school.

Can I sign my child up for two enrichment clubs in one day?
Absolutely! Students who participate in both a Session 1 and Session 2 club on the same day will have a short supervised snack break between clubs—no extended day needed.

Where are Enrichment Club students dismissed?
All students who participate only in session 1 enrichment clubs (and do not stay for extended day) are dismissed by their club instructors outside in front of the school. Session 2 club dismissal takes place in the school yard. Extended day students may be signed out in the MMR anytime before 6:00 pm.

Do you hold makeups dates for missed clubs?
No. If clubs are canceled due to school closings (such as a snow day), no make up class will be held. If the After School must cancel a club (e.g. due to last minute instructor illness) children will be absorbed into our extended day groups and no make up class will be held. No refunds or credits will be issued for canceled clubs.

What if my child is put on a waitlist?
Waitlists are automated through our registration software. If a spot opens up for a club, the system will contact families on the waitlist in the order they were added during registration. You will have 24 hours to register for the club before your child will be removed from the list and the next family will be contacted. Club prices are automatically pro-rated for children who join after the first week.

Can I get a refund if my child does not like a club?
It depends. Families will forfeit a percentage of the club tuition (from 25% - 100%) depending on when a club drop request is received (e.g. 25% prior to the first day of the club session, 50% during the first week of the club session, 100% beginning the 2nd week of the club session.)

What can I expect from Homework Help during Extended Day?
We provide a quiet environment in which students can complete their homework. If a student is having trouble understanding their assignment they can ask the teacher for assistance. Family members should check over homework at home to make sure it is complete and correct. 

Do you offer private music lessons?
We partner with a few trusted private music instructors who are available to schedule lessons at PS 154. The instructors are responsible for their scheduling and pricing. Please contact Barbara McGouran for more information.

How does the After School keep track of so many kids?
Each day every student in our care receives a name tag during last period of the school day with their After School schedule for the day. After School staff and club instructors receive attendance lists. If a child scheduled to be in After School does not attend, After School staff check the school day absence list and sign out book. If that child’s name does not appear on the absence list or in the sign-out book and we have not received notification from home that the child will be absent, our staff will call the family to confirm the child’s whereabouts.

Should I let the After School know if my child will be absent?
Yes, please! Please email any of our staff members (see below) to let us know if your child will not be in After School for their regularly-scheduled activities.


For general questions, please contact Barbara McGouran.

For questions about billing, please contact Susan Dominguez.

Or call the After School office 718-768-0057 x 1034 after 2:00pm on school days.