
Please note: This section of the website is in the process of being updated for the 2024-25 school year. Some sections (such as arrival and drop-off locations) are subject to change.


8:20AM-2:40PM Mon-Fri

Early Mondays are a thing of the past!


Kindergarten Early Arrival 8:00AM-8:20AM

Kindergarten will enter the cafeteria through the Sherman Street side door, and sit with their classes at the cafeteria tables. The kindergarten teachers will pick up the classes from the cafeteria.

GRADE 1-5 Early Arrival 8:00AM-8:20AM

Students in grades 1-5 will enter the playground on Sherman Street side door. They will meet their teachers in the playground when the bell rings.

Breakfast 7:30AM-8:15AM

Early breakfast opens at 7:30. Between 7:30 and 8:00AM, students may enter through the main entrance (11th Ave) and walk down to the cafeteria. After 8:00, students should enter the cafeteria from the schoolyard for breakfast.


At 8:20, teachers will pick up their students and the arrival entrances will be closed. Students arriving after 8:20 , should enter through the front entrance, and obtain a late pass. There is often a line at the front entrance for late arrivals - in order to avoid waiting on line, please try to be on time or early.


  • No parents allowed in the school yard before school.

  • Main Entrance is open for students coming for early breakfast between 7:30-8:00AM.


Rainy day

If it’s a rainy day, we ask you do not send your child to school early to reduce the crowding in our communal spaces. There will be no morning schoolyard play on a rainy day. Breakfast will be available in the cafeteria if your child needs it..  


If you have questions or concerns you need to relay to your child’s teacher, please put a note in your child’s back pack, or visit or call the main office at 718-768-0057 to leave a message.  Arrival time can be hectic, and teachers need to focus on your children and getting to class to start the fun of learning.



Please make sure your teacher sees and acknowledges that you have your child. We respectfully ask that you leave the school area once you pick up your child(ren) to limit crowding on the sidewalk. Thank you.


Kindergarten will dismiss through the front door on 11th Avenue and will line up towards the Sherman side of the block..


First Grade will dismiss through the front door on 11th Avenue and will line up towards the Windsor side of the block.


Second Grade will dismiss through the Sherman Street Cafeteria exit.


Third Grade will dismiss through the Sherman Street Cafeteria exit.


Fourth Grade will dismiss through the Windsor Place Cafeteria exit.


Fifth Grade will dismiss the Windsor Place Cafeteria exit.

Rainy day

Dismissal is the same, rain or shine!

Early Pick Up

If for any reason you must pick up your child early, you should inform the classroom teacher in advance. Only a parent/guardian or designated adult listed on the Blue Emergency Card (over 18 years of age) may pick up a child early. The adult picking up the child must bring a photo ID. Please sign in with the school safety officer in the school lobby and go to the main office. Your child will be called to the office or a staff member will get your child from the classroom. Please sign your child out in the book at the front desk.

Absence & Lateness

The school day begins at 8:20 AM.  In most circumstances, students arriving to the classroom after 8:20 will receive a late pass to give to their teachers. If a child does not have a late pass, teachers may send him/her back downstairs to get a late pass from the front desk. In cases of chronic lateness, parents will be notified.

A student’s absence and lateness record is part of his/her permanent record, which follows the child throughout his or her public school career.

Regular attendance is critical for student success. The school may contact your home to verify absence. Excessive lateness and absenteeism will be discussed with the teacher and principal.  Chancellor’s Regulation, A210 states that all children MUST have a 90% attendance average or better to meet one of the promotional criteria. If your child will be absent, please email the child’s teacher and Tina Hill in the main office.

A child returning to school after an absence must bring a note from a parent/guardian or a physician. If your child has been absent with a contagious disease (chicken pox, strep throat, scarlet fever, etc), the school must be notified. Parents are asked to wait until the student is fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-controlling medication before sending the student back to school.

Have a question or concern and wondering who to reach out to about it? Check out out guide below, and please allow 48-72 hours for response time when emailing school staff. If your concern is pressing or urgent, please indicate so in the subject line of your email or in your message to the main office.

  • Classroom Teacher

  • Reach out to your child’s classroom teacher via Remind, email, phone call to the main office, or appointment request with general academic or social-emotional questions or concerns.

  • School-Based Support Team

  • Reach out to our school-based support team for extra resources and support for your child.

  • Parent coordinator

  • Reach out to Parent Coordinator Tanica Gordon for any of the following:

    • Support with the kindergarten or middle school admissions process.

    • Financial assistance for your family.

    • Information about the NYC Save for College Program

    • Information about upcoming school and PTA events.

    • Informations and suggestions on how to be get engaged and connected with our school community!

  • School administration

  • Reach out to Principal Rached or Assistant Principal Buckley to make a bullying or harassment allegation, to escalate academic or social-emotional concerns, or with any other questions or concerns.

  • After-School administration

  • Reach out to the after-school administration with any after-school concerns.

  • PTA

  • Reach out to the PTA with questions about how you can be involved with events and fundraising to help make your child’s experience here even better!

Home/School Communication


Lice are a fact of life in an elementary school. They are neither a health hazard nor a sanitary problem, but an unpleasant reality for school age children. The goal of PS 154’s Lice Policy is to minimize the spread of lice, and the disruption to the school day for the children. It is also to provide support and educational resources to parents/guardians.

If a child is found with lice or nits in school, the school nurse will call the parents/guardians. The NYC DOE has a ‘no lice’ policy, requiring children with lice be dismissed from school. For children with nits, parents/guardians may choose to pickup their children early for treatment.

If lice are found, the other children in the class will also be screened.

In either case, where lice or nits are found, parents/guardians of other children in the class and grade will be notified so that they may be vigilant in monitoring their own children. Information on screening and treatment will also be available.

If a parent/guardian finds lice or nits at home, we ask that they notify the school, so that we may take the same steps as above (screening the class and notifying parents). This is critical to minimize the spread of lice.

When a child who has had lice returns to school, they will be screened to ensure they are lice free.

Resources on Lice for Parents

The NYC DOE policy on head lice, and information in many languages
Document on Lice Treatment created by a parent in: English  OR Spanish 
The Nuvo method of removing head lice
The National Pediculosis Association website
The Center for Disease Control official site
Pictures of head lice

Illness & The School Nurse

Stay Home When Sick!

Rest can help you and your child get better sooner, and it helps prevent the spread of germs.

  • Children with diarrhea should stay home until the diarrhea has stopped (stools are formed).

  • Anyone with a fever should stay home until 24 hours after being fever free or until their doctor says it is okay to go back to school or daycare. They should stay home for at least 5 days if they are diagnosed with COVID-19.

  • If your child is having difficulty breathing, call your doctor right away.


    If your child has symptoms of COVID-19, please see guidance.

    • Get tested, if your child is positive, have them stay home and separate from others for at least 5 days, and talk to their health care provider about treatment. See more information on isolation.

    • Always wear a mask when sick and unable to separate from others, and, if you have COVID-19, for 10 days after your symptoms began (or 10 days after you test positive for COVID-19, if you have no symptoms.) See additional information about isolation for COVID-19.

Please call your school or school nurse to let them know if your child has a confirmed diagnosis of an illness that can spread to others.


You can also help us avoid the spread of illness at your child’s school. Here are a few simple actions you can take to keep your child and other students healthy:

Consider wearing a mask, especially in a crowded indoor setting particularly if your child has a medical condition that puts them at risk for severe COVID-19, or if they are around others who are at increased risk for COVID-19, such as grandparents or other older adults.

  • Masks are an important layer of protection to stop the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses.

Visiting the school Nurse

If a student indicates that they are feeling unwell or they have gotten hurt at school, they will be sent to the school nurse, who will assess them. After assessing a student, the nurse follows the protocols established by the NYCDOHMH. Some of the outcomes of visiting the nurse include:

  • The nurse assesses the student and they can return to class.

  • The nurse assesses the student, provides first-aid (ie band-aid, ice-pack) and they return to class.

  • The nurse assesses the students and contacts the parents to pick up the student.

  • The nurse assesses the students and administers parent-provided, doctor-prescribed medication (ie asthma inhaler, Benadryl, Epi-Pen). If your child had allergies or other health conditions requiring the use of medication, please reach out to Mr. Buckley.

  • The nurse assesses the student and contacts 911.


All children newly admitted to a New York City school are required by law to have a complete physical exam and all required immunizations. See the NYC DOE Office of School Health Medical Requirements for New School Entries for details.

Vision & Hearing Screening

Children in grades PK, K, 1, 3 and 5 will have vision screenings free of charge in the school. Parents will be notified of the results only if further testing is indicated.

The Office of School Health has discontinued hearing screening in elementary schools.
See the NYC DOE Office of School Health Vision and Hearing Screening for more details.



Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria from 7:30-8AM on Mondays, and 7:30-8:15 Tuesday-Friday.


Kindergarten and 1st Grade: 11:15-12:05
Grades 2 & 3: 12:10-1:00
Grades 4 & 5: 1:05-1:55

Lunch is free for all students! Students may also bring their own lunch. We use the "PreK-8 Lunch Menu" school foods menu. Look for it on the list here: Lunch Menus

Weather permitting, the children go into the schoolyard for recess and supervised play before or after they eat.  In inclement weather, students stay in the lunchroom and draw, color, and/or talk quietly. They may also have the chance to read quietly in the MMR.


Your child will be told which day of the week his/her class has physical education (gym class). On this day, children should be dressed appropriately in sneakers and stretchy clothes that allow movement.

School Trips

Class trips are an important part of a well-rounded education and New York City certainly provides a lot to see and do. Here’s how you can help make class trips more successful:

  • Return permission slips and fees promptly to help teachers plan. A child will not be allowed to go on a trip without a permission slip.

  • Volunteer to escort your child’s class trip. Remember that when you join the trip you are there not just for your own child, but to assist all the students and the teacher. Avoid taking your child to the gift shop and buying something for him/her and not for everyone else. Parents will be notified in advance about the trip, costs, and whether parent chaperones are needed.

Cell phones, toys, and Other Personal Possessions

Cell Phone Policy

PS 154’s policy balances many families’ wish to reach their children with keeping children focused.   Mobile phones and electronic devices, such as smart watches, can be helpful for communication, research, and entertainment.  And, like many powerful tools, they have to be managed carefully.  Adults sometimes feel tempted to take just one quick peek at their phones; school-age children can feel much more distracted.  Adults know the frustration of misplacing their phones or having devices knocked to the ground; kids who can’t find their phones or who suddenly realize that the screen has cracked tend to lose a whole school day to panic and dread.  To keep the electronics safe and help everyone concentrate on learning, students should keep any devices turned off and inside their backpacks. Devices will be confiscated and returned to a parent if they are used during school time.

PS 154’s cell phone policy is designed to help us nurture a safe and productive learning environment and ensure that students have their devices available when they need them most: when they are out in the world, outside of school. 

If a parent/guardian needs to get in touch with a student they should contact the main office at 718-768-0057 and refrain from calling or messaging a student device directly.


We want your children’s treasured items to stay safe and keeping them at home is the best insurance. However, we understand that toys and games can help students engage with peers and participate more openly during recess and other free times.

The following items are permitted to be brought to school:

●      Bey blades (maximum of one per student)

●      Playing balls  (maximum of one per student)

●      Dolls or Action figures (maximum of one per student)

●      Playing cards

●      Fidget items (Please discuss with teacher before bringing to school) 

Personal possessions must be kept in a backpack while in the classroom. Personal items can be used during recess or if a teacher permits during specific class time. 

Items will be confiscated and returned to parents if students play with them during prohibited times or use them inappropriately. 

The school is not responsible for toys or personal possessions that have been lost, damaged or stolen.


For the safety and security of our children, staff and everyone in our community all visitors – including parents – must sign in at the front desk when entering the building. Visitors are required to provide photo identification and will receive a visitor’s pass. For those visitors going to a classroom, or to meet with a staff member, they will first go to the main office. The office will call and confirm that the person they are visiting is available, and then give visitors going to the 2nd or 3rd floors a laminated, color coded pass for that floor. This colored pass will be returned to the office when visitors leave. Visitors going to meetings in the MMR can go directly to the MMR after signing in at the front desk.

Lost & Found

A box for found items is located in the multi-media room.

Please use an indelible marker to write your child’s name (First & Last) on all outer clothing, lunchboxes and book bags. This will enable us to return lost articles. The amount of clothing “lost” is staggering. Please check the Lost and Found as anything unclaimed for extended periods will be donated to charity.  We donate to charity after every Family Friday.

Birthday Treats

Families are permitted to send in birthday treats for their child’s class. Our top priority is keeping all of our students safe, and we have a number of students with allergies and other food restrictions. Please see below for the requirements for outside food:

  1. All food must be store-bought and pre-packaged and

  2. All food must have ingredients listed clearly on the packaging.

    Food that is sent in that does not meet these requirements will be sent home to the family who sent it in.

Dress Code

At PS 154, we believe that students should be able to wear clothing without fear of or actual unnecessary discipline or body shaming. All students are encouraged to dress in a manner that is comfortable and conducive to an active school day including daily outdoor play. In order to promote a safe, inclusive, and nurturing school environment, students should not wear clothing that includes harmful or derogatory words or images. Sneakers should be worn, or brought to school, on gym days.

Photo Release

PS 154 asks parents to return the photo release form in the Fall granting permission for their child’s picture to be published in print or electronic format. Please note that students’ names will never be used on the website. Please complete the forms below and send them back to your child’s teacher(s).

English, Español

Address Changes

For address changes, send ONE of the following to the school, or email a copy to

*Please include your child's full name in the email or hard copy*

 Lease agreement, deed, mortgage statement for the residence;

 A residential utility bill (gas or electric) in the resident’s name issued by a utility company (such as National Grid or Con Edison)  must be dated within the past 60 days;

 A bill for cable television services provided to the residence; must include the name of the parent and the address of the residence and be dated within the past 60 days;

 Documentation or letter on letterhead from a federal, state, or local government agency, including the IRS, the City Housing Authority, the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement, the Human Resources Administration, or the Administration for Children Services (ACS), or an ACS subcontractor, indicating the resident’s name and address  must be dated within the past 60 days;

 A current property tax bill for the residence;

 A water bill for the residence  must be dated within the past 90 days;

 Rent receipt which includes the address of residence  must be dated within the past 60 days;

 State, city, or other government issued identification (including an IDNYC card), which has not expired and includes the address of residence;

 Income tax form for the last calendar year;

 Official NYS Driver’s License or learner’s permit, which has not expired;

 Official payroll documentation from an employer issued within the past 60 days, such as a paystub with home address, a form submitted for tax withholding purposes, or payroll receipt (a letter on the employer’s letterhead is not adequate)  must include home address and be dated within the past 60 days;

 Voter registration documents, which include the name of the parent and the address of residence;

 Unexpired membership documents based upon residency (such as neighborhood residents’ association), which include the name of the parent and the address of residence;

 Evidence of custody of the child, including but not limited to judicial custody orders or guardianship papers; documents must have been issued within the past 60 days and include name of student and address of residence.