2023-2024 Grading Policy
At PS 154, we use summative and formative assessments as tools to help us understand our students strengths and areas for improvement and to help us identify and implement strategies and supports so that each our students experiences success.
*The progress reports and report cards detailed below are two mechanisms for communicating student progress with families. Other ways to learn about how your child is doing in school include:
Reviewing classwork that is brought home
Emailing questions and concerns with classroom teachers
Requesting a meeting or phone call to discuss your child’s progress
Attending parent-teacher conferences
Reaching out to service providers (ie speech, OT, counseling) for updates.
For more support in reaching out to the school about your child’s progress, please reach out to Parent Coordinator Tanica Gordon.
Overall Policy
PS154 will utilize 2 official marking periods:
Marking Period 1: 9/7/23-2/16/24
Marking Period 2 and Final: 2/26- 6/21/24
Progress reports will be sent home prior to November parent-teacher conferences. Teachers collaborate to create the progress reports, which are aligned to the standards and to the STARS report cards.
The final grade will be based on the students performance during the last marking period.
FIRST MARKING PERIOD- Narratives will be developed that address each of the Report Card content areas.
The STARS report card will be utilized.
The following subjects will be graded using an E-U scale (excellent, good, satisfactory, needs improvement, unsatisfactory)
ELA (overall)
Academic and Personal Behavior
Social Studies- - Overall only
Science- - Overall only
Grades 1-5
A numerical grade will be aligned with the NYC scale- (1-4)
4=Excels in standards
2=Below standards
1=Well below standards
The overall grade for each component is determined by the average of the subheadings.
Example-If a student’s average numerical value is between a 3.5-4.0 then the overall grade will be a 4.
Example- If a student’s average numerical value is between a 2.4-2.0 then the grade will be a 2.
Teachers will notify parents via email or telephone prior to progress reports and report cards if they anticipate a student will receive a grade of Level 1 in any subject to discuss their concerns and create a support plan.