Weekly Newsletter

Important Dates

November 15 - Ms. Kelly’s Art Show, 7-9pm, The Home Collective, 533 Prospect Ave.

November 18 - PTA Meeting, 6:30pm

November 20 - School Tour for 2020 Families, 9am (FULL)

November 20 - Stomping Ground school picture order deadline

November 24 - Sustainability Committee, Park Clean Up

November 26 - 2nd - 5th Grade Armory Visit (Sign Up)

November 26 - PTA Middle School Parent Panel

November 28 & 29 - School is Closed for Thanksgiving

December 2 - Middle School Applications Due

December 3 - School Tour for 2020 Families, 9am (FULL)

December 4 - School Picture Retake Day (sign up here)

December 4 - SEL Parenting Book Club, 6:30pm (details below)

December 6 - Family Friday, 8:35am - 9:15am

December 7 - Winter Fair, 12:00-4:00pm

December 10 - SLT, 4:15pm

December 11 - School Tour for 2020 Families, 9am (FULL)

December 11 - PTA Exec Mtg, 6:30pm

December 13 - Kindergarten & First Grade Art Show, 6pm

December 13 - Winter Movie Night, 6:30pm

Stay up to date with the efforts of our school’s leadership team. Click here for the latest information.

Stay up to date with the efforts of our school’s leadership team. Click here for the latest information.


School Picture orders due by November 20, 2019

There is still time before our order deadline. To view your gallery, visit stompinggroundphoto.com and click View & Purchase in the top right. See estimated delivery dates and more at iloveschoolpictures.com/ps154. Your access code is PS154+1st 4 letters first and last name. So, for John Smith you would enter PS154johnsmit.

Nominations Are Now Open

Nominations for the 2020 Big Apple Awards are open! Please complete your nominations by Monday, December 2, 2019.

This year you can recognize and:

  • Nominate outstanding teachers who:

    • Inspire students

    • Model great teaching

    • Enrich their school communities

  • Nominate outstanding counselors who:

    • Have made significant strides in advancing post-secondary readiness

    • Provided exemplary college and career supports and services at their school

    • Demonstrated success on critical post-secondary metrics


Parenting Book Club, hosted by SEL Committee

Wednesday, December 4, 6:30-8:00PM, FREE

Please RSVP HERE for babysitting and pizza (for your child) at the book club event. Pay $5 per child the night of the event.

Book: “How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk,” Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish. Join us as we discuss one of the most helpful parenting books of all time. 

Click here to learn how to buy the book with a discount from Terrace Books.




Featuring our legendary silent auction, crafts, and student performances, Winter Fair is a must-do for all PS 154 families. NO ENTRY FEE — $1 tickets for crafts and food at the event.

Book your Family Photo Session with Stomping Ground today! The $40 session fee will be donated to PS 154!!

Please sign up to volunteer and/or bring a casserole!

Do you have something to donate to our auction?


Welcome Without Walls Potluck & Meeting

Monday, November 18

Kolot Chayeinu

Church of Gesthemane

1012 8th Ave, Brooklyn

Kolot is hosting a community information night about volunteer opportunities with and ways to support groups working to protect immigrants and refugees this Monday night. Find the Facebook link here: Invite

The groups presenting will be Never Again Action, New York Immigration Coalition, Ruth's Refuge, New York Immigrant Freedom Fund (Brooklyn Community Bail Fund), and ICE out of Sunset Park rapid response group from the office of Congresswoman Nydia Velsquez. Attendees will have a chance to talk with them in small groups.

It is a potluck vegetarian dinner followed by the program.

Dinner at 6:30pm

Program follows at 7:15pm

2020 Critically Conscious Educators Rising Series!

Parents/Guardians-   Please take a look at the learning opportunity below. One of the facilitators, Ana Catalina Duque, is also collaborating with our school's Equity team. 

Hello Parents/Guardians -

We are so excited to offer a parent/guardian cohort in the 2020 Critically Conscious Educators Rising Series! In line with the NYC Department of Education's commitment to promoting equity and racial justice, we invite parents/guardians as stakeholders to be a part of the conversation.

This cohort will be specifically focused on bringing together a critical mass of parents/guardians in 7 monthly sessions to focus on exploring questions together: in what ways must schools educate and honor the whole child? What does culturally responsive-sustaining education require of us?

Dates are the following and all sessions are from 5pm to 8pm. Location TBA. 

Cohort 1

December 16, 2019

January 6, 2020

February 3, 2020

March 2, 2020

March 23, 2020

April 6, 2020

May 4, 2020

CCER (Critically Conscious Educators Rising Series) objectives are to engage in a deep analysis of equity research and to develop an equity, racially just lens when crafting culturally responsive lessons. The goal is to build a community of critically conscious parents/guardians committed to equity and racial justice in our schools. Who in turn will share information within their individual spheres of influence. At the close of the series, participants will have the opportunity to present at the 2020 Decolonizing Education Conference!

Interpretation services and childcare will be available. If you’re interested please click on the parent application to register. HERE

Hola Padres/Guardianes -

Estamos muy emocionados al ofrecer una cohorte de padres y tutores en la serie de Levantar de Educadores Críticamente Conscientes 2020. De acuerdo con el compromiso del Departamento de Educación de la Ciudad de Nueva York con promocionare la equidad y la justicia racial. Invitamos a los padres/tutores como partes interesadas a ser parte de la conversación.

Esta cohorte se centrará específicamente en reunir a una masa crítica de padres/tutores en 7 sesiones mensuales para centrarse en explorar las preguntas como: ¿de qué manera deben educar y honrar las escuelas al niño entero? ¿Qué requiere de nosotros una educación que se sostenga-receptivo culturalmente?

Las fechas son las siguientes y todas las sesiones son de 5pm a 8pm. Ubicación para ser anunciado mas adelante.

Cohorte 1

16 de diciembre de 2019

6 de enero de 2020

3 de febrero de 2020

2 de marzo de 2020

23 de marzo de 2020

6 de abril de 2020

4 de mayo de 2020

Los objetivos Levantar de Educadores Críticamente Conscientes son participar en un análisis profundo de la investigación de equidad y desarrollar a través de un lente de equidad y racialmente justa al elaborar lecciones culturalmente receptivas. La meta es construir una comunidad de padres/tutores críticamente conscientes comprometidos con la equidad y la justicia racial en nuestras escuelas. Que a su vez compartirá información dentro de sus esferas de influencia individuales. Al cierre de la serie, ¡los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de presentar en la Conferencia de Educación Descolonizadora 2020!

Los servicios de interpretación y cuidado de niños estarán disponibles. Si está interesado por favor haga clic en la aplicación de los padres para registrarse. AQUI