Weekly Newsletter


May 13 - PTA Survey Deadline
May 15 - May Parent Teacher Conferences, 4:30-7:30pm - Details will go home in backpacks
May 15 - Science Day Out! Volunteer
May 16 - PTA General Meeting (ELECTIONS), 6:30pm
May 20 - Kids Heart Challenge (rescheduled)
May 21 -  K & 1 Armory Visit, Sign Up
May 21 - SLT Meeting, 4pm
May 24 - Cyclones Baseball Assembly
May 27 - School is Closed, Memorial Day
May 28 - 3rd Grade Theater Performance, daytime shows
May 29 - 3rd Grade Theater Performance daytime shows
May 30 - 3rd - 5th Grade Music Concert, 9:30am at K280 Auditorium, Volunteer
May 31 - Field Day, More information coming soon - Volunteers will be needed



Our PTA raises approximately $250,000 yearly to support PS 154. We want to hear from YOU about how we raise and spend this money.

Please fill out ONE survey per family; if you have more than one child at the school, please make sure you provide feedback for EACH grade. And please CLICK THROUGH to the end!


Music Concert VOLUNTEERS NEEDED May 30th!

Please contact CGabel@ps154.org if you are available to help with the following during the concert. She also needs to borrow a powered audio mixer for passive speakers for the concert - if you have one that she can use please contact her.

  • Transport, unload and load audio equipment to and from auditorium (7:30am and 11:30am) Car needed and 1 or 2 people can split the job.

  • Tune ukuleles; tuners provided (8:30am) - 2 people

  • Pass out programs (9:15am) 2 people

  • Move ukuleles on to stage and make sure each child has an instrument on the stage during concert.

Click here to sign up for these assignments.


Wed, May 15 during the school day

Science Day Out (the child of our former Spring Fling weekend carnival and last year’s Sciencetastic Day) will be held on Wednesday, May 15.  This event will be a local field day, with all grades participating in various ways, reinforcing their science curriculum and having fun throughout the day.

We need parent volunteers to help us run the all-day program.  Science-minded volunteers are welcome but not at all necessary.  Please come help us out! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0d4eafad22a2fb6-science


PTA 5K Fun Run for Public Schools

Saturday, May 11, Prospect Park, Bartel-Pritchard Parking Lot
9am, number pickup, pre-race activities
10am, race starts

Sign up now

Questions, please email: Amy May or Lisa Zullig

School participants pay a registration fee ($25/individual, $5 for each additional family member up to 5) and may raise additional money through sponsors.


Screening of "En El Séptimo Día" at MS 447

May 14, 6pm at MS447

Q&A afterwards with filmmaker Jim McKay Check out more on these flyers:

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Special Education Information Workshop

May 14, 9:30am - 11:00am at PS 24


Please see the flyers for more information

How to Teach Social Emotional Skills and Help Kids Succeed: An Evening with Ross Greene

Wednesday, May 15, 6:30-8 pm
P.S. 321, 180 Seventh Avenue, Brooklyn

Dr. Ross Greene is the New York Times bestselling author of the influential books The Explosive Child, Lost at School, Raising Human Beings, and Lost & Found and a pioneer in the field of child psychology. The innovative, evidence-based treatment approach described in his books provides a compassionate, accurate understanding of behavioral challenges and a non-punitive, non-adversarial approach for reducing challenging episodes, solving problems, teaching skills, improving communication and repairing relationships. Dr. Greene lectures widely throughout the world. This event is open to the public. Free child care available for school-age children. $5 suggested donation. Sponsored by the PS 321 PTA.