September 26 News

A Note from Ms. Rached

This week, classroom teachers will begin administering our academic screeners to all of our students. Academic screeners are brief assessments that are administered at regular intervals (beginning, middle, end) of the school year and are used by school staff to help identify student who are or are not at risk for specific learning difficulties and to measure and track growth throughout the year. We are administering Acadience screeners in grades K-2, and MAP Growth in grades 3-5, for both reading and math. The MAP Growth screener in grades 3-5 will be administered on Chromebooks, and the Acadience screener in grades K-2 will be administered as a combination of student-interviews and paper/pencil assessments, depending on the grade and subject. We will share the results with families once we have completed the administration.  If you have any questions about the screeners, please reach out to your child’s teacher. Please note: families cannot opt-out of the academic screeners.

Please see below for family information about the screeners.

Acadience Family Letter

MAP Growth Family Letter

Arrival and Dismissal Notes

We will be placing cones around the schoolyard gate to help with foot traffic congestion in that space at arrival time.

Please note that our dismissal time is 2:20 on Mondays, and 2:40 for the rest of the week.

We kindly ask that you leave your dogs at home for school pick-up. Sometimes dogs behave in unpredictable ways around other dogs, strollers, bikes, scooters, groups of children, etc, and this can be startling for some students. We want everyone to feel safe!

Please try to keep leave an aisle clear on the sidewalk between where teachers are dismissing and where you are standing and waiting.

Thank you for helping us keep our students safe at transition times!

Period Products in Girls’ Restroom

This year, the city has installed sanitary pad dispensers in elementary school restrooms so that children who need them can access them. We installed ours in the second floor girls’ restroom, which is used by students in grades 1-5.

PTA General Meeting on September 29th

Our first general PTA meeting of the year will be this Friday, September 29th, 8:30-9:30am in the schoolyard!  We will have a vote on the budget and are filling some PTA board positions!

We need you! Yes, you! Please take a moment to consider running for a role in the PTA. Without all the organization and planning by our board members and committees, these events and other valuable school programs would not be possible. Please add your voice and talents to our amazing team!

We'd love to answer your questions and help you figure out which role is best for you.  

The following executive board positions are available:

  • Chair of Community Events

  • Chair of Events-Food Coordination

  • Members at Large (4 positions held for new/incoming parents).

More information on each role and what it requires can be found in our PTA of PS154 bylaws. These roles do not need to be a huge time commitment; many of us in parent leadership are full-time working parents, parents of multiple kids, or both! No experience is necessary—and we encourage diverse candidates. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out  at

Back-To-School Fall Carnival is this Saturday, September 30th (Rain date)!

Our Back to School Carnival is our first PTA sponsored event of the year on Saturday, September 30th from 12-4pm.  Our carnival will take place in the schoolyard.  

Carnival Highlights: Bounce houses & obstacle course, Carnival games, Dunk tank, Face painting, Food, music, and fun for all!

Get your tickets in advance to save time and help us plan for our event.  Tickets are required for all children 2 years old and older. Adults party for free. If you'd like to buy additional food, face painting or throws at the dunk tank, they can be purchased at the ticket booth on site.

Want to be a part of the carnival? Parent volunteers power PTA events like the Carnival. Please sign up for a shift to help make sure this event is a wonderful day for all (and edit your sign up if you aren’t available for the new date)!

Kindergarten Parent Social Event on October 11th!

Come meet your fellow kindergarten parents for a kid-free evening!  We are meeting in the backyard of Krupa Grocery on Wednesday, October 11th from 6:30 to 9pm.  Food and drinks will be available for purchase.   Looking forward to seeing you there!

Save the Date - Picture Day IS on October 11th!

Get ready to dress your little ones up, untangle their hair, and get ready for Picture Day. This year photos will be taken inside the school building so there’s no need to be concerned if there’s foul or cold weather. In the event that your child misses picture day or forgets to smile, a make-up day will be held on November 14th. We also need a few volunteers to help with managing the students during the photo sessions so please consider volunteering. You can find all the details about picture day here.  Click here to volunteer.

Annual Boo Bash - It’s Scary Close!

Save the date - Book Bash is October 21, 2-6PM!

Save the date for one of our favorite events - the Boo Bash! It’s on Saturday, October 21st, from 2-6pm.  More information on t-shirt pre-orders, ticket sales, and volunteer sign-ups will be sent soon!

Last Call for Book Market Class Librarians!

We are still looking for Book Market Class Librarians for K-102 (Ms. Giamboi), 1-202 (Ms. Capua), 2-206 (Ms. Varriale), and 5-301 (Ms. Ussery).

We would like each class to have a Book Market Class Librarian responsible for the following things:

  • Attend the Book Market Committee orientation, to be hold in person on Oct 3rd, at 8:30am, in the MMR

    1. Attend 45 min monthly-ish Book Market Committee meetings (virtual, evenings likely) to discuss, update, troubleshoot, plan

    2. Attend and support the class's monthly designated Book Market Friday visit, or ensure another class parents attends/supports. This will include helping kids select books and ensuring shelves are clean and organized before and after the class visit

    3. Be the class rep should the teacher have questions/concerns or want to do a special activity related to their visit

    4. Work with the Committee as needed to support book donations and market clean-up/organization throughout the year

If you are interested in being your class's Book Market Librarian (commitment up approx. 3 hours/month), please add your name to our sign up list here. Please sign up by Friday, Sept 29.

Join Team 154 for the 5K Fun Run for School in Prospect Park on October 28!

The Fun Run (and walk/scoot/stroll/ride) is an annual tradition - the proceeds benefit Title 1 schools in Brooklyn. If you’d like to join our team, please click here. For more info about the race, click here.

September 19 News

A Note from Ms. Rached

It was so great to see so many families at Back to School Night. Classroom teachers will be sharing their slides with their families.

Schoolwide Communications

If you have not been receiving Remind messages, please email Leila or Tanica.  This week, we will be creating class lists. Please reach out to Leila or Tanica if you do not want your information (email and/or phone number) to be included in the list.

Class parents!

Each year, one or two parents from each class answer the call to serve as class parents for the year. This role involves forwarding email communication to families, and supporting the families in engaging with school as well as with PTA events and initiatives. Please reach out to Tanica if you would like to be a class parent this year.

Lost and Found

As the weather begins to change, our lost and found has started to grow. The BEST way to keep items out of the lost and found is to label them.

Emergency Contact Cards

We need to update our records each year with new Emergency Contact cards. If you have not yet done so, please fill out an emergency contact card and email it to the Main Office ( Kindergaretn families do not need to do this - we have yours!


If you have not received any Remind messages, please reach out to Tanica.

Back-to-School Fall Carnival

Did someone say “Carnival?” Join us for food, games, activities, bouncy houses, and…yes…a dunk tank. The “Back-to-School Carnival” is our first PTA sponsored event of the year, so block your calendars for Saturday, September 23rd from 12-4pm. 

We have so much going on, the carnival will escape the schoolyard with activities and games on 11th Avenue! Carnival Highlights:

  • 11th Avenue will be closed to traffic for extra fun

  • Bounce houses & obstacle course

  • Carnival games

  • Dunk tank

  • Face painting

  • Food, music, and fun for all!

  • And…..

Kids classes from our friends in the community. Four awesome Brooklyn organizations will be on hand to showcase some special skills for rambunctious K-5ers: 

Get your tickets in advance to save time and help us plan the event. Tickets are required for all children 2 years old and older. Adults party for free. If you'd like to buy additional food, face painting, throws at the dunk tank, or any of the other awesome activities, they can be purchased at the ticket booth on site.

Our PTA supports in-class enrichments and programming throughout the year. Giving generously helps us support your students!`

Want to take credit for a successful carnival? Parent volunteers power PTA events like the Carnival! Sign up for a shift to make this event a wonderful day for all.

See you all on the 23rd!

PTA General Meeting

Clear your calendars - our first general PTA meeting of the year will be next Friday, September 29th, 8:30a at school!

Annual Boo Bash - It’s Scary Close!

My name is Frank Ricci, 3rd-grade parent, and last year I led the decorating team for the Boo Bash. I will do so again this year, and would like to create sustainable decorations we could reuse every year. But we need help from anyone in the community who is a contractor, wood worker, or someone with a saw who can cut plywood into basic shapes. If this sounds like you, please let me know. Donations of any old, unused halloween decorations would also be super helpful. Instead of throwing them out or giving them to a neighbor, give them to us! 

To contact me you can email me at Thanks so much for your help, looking forward to a fun, spooky, event!


We also need a photographer for the event who would be willing to donate their time to take kid and family portraits among our fabulous decorations! If you want to help the kids document their terror and joy, contact us at!

Book Market Update & Call for Class Librarians!

Last year PS154 launched our first ever Book Market, a library of gently used books housed in the MMR. It proved to be a great success: in the absence of a true library, it provided a place for kids to try out and discuss new books! In our first year we distributed thousands of books to 154 kids!

Now we hope to make it even better, but we need your help! This year, each class will visit the Book Market once a month at a designated time on certain Fridays. We would like each class to have a Book Market Class Librarian responsible for the following things:

  • Attend the Book Market Committee orientation, to be held in person on Oct 3rd, at 8:30am, in the MMR

    1. Attend 45 min monthly-ish Book Market Committee meetings (virtual, evenings likely) to discuss, update, troubleshoot, plan

    2. Attend and support the class's monthly designated Book Market visit, or ensure another class parents attends/supports. This will include helping kids select books and ensuring shelves are clean and organized before and after the class visit

    3. Be the class rep should the teacher have questions/concerns or want to do a special activity related to their visit

    4. Work with the Committee as needed to support book donations and market clean-up/organization throughout the year

We anticipate the volunteering commitment to be 3 hours per month. If you are interested in being your class's Book Market Librarian, or supporting your class's Book Market Librarian, please add your name to our sign up list here. Please sign up by Friday, Sept 29.

Community Corner

We are collecting items for survivors of the earthquake in Morocco. Please see the flyer below for details.

September 12 News

A Note from Ms. Rached

What a tremendous start to the school year! Seeing our students excited to tell their families about their first days of school at dismissal is one of my greatest joys! So much creating and learning was happening around the school during the first few days - from “Math about me,” to playing name games, to scavenger hunts around the building, to heat-wave recess play and more, our students were engaged in many kinds of learning. We will be building on the successes of the first few days as we embark on our year. Please be sure to sign the media consent form - one of the ways we hope to engage with families is by sharing photos in our newsletter more regularly.

Last week, our 3rd graders had their first Media Arts classes with Ms. Eaton, and this week, our kindergarten classes will have their first Media Arts class, and students in all other grades will have their first music classes! Media Arts and Music classes are funded entirely through parent donations to the PTA, and we are so grateful for your support! 

We are looking forward to greeting you virtually at our Back to School Night on Thursday, and seeing you in person at our Back to School Carnival on September 23! (details below)

Back to School Carnival

Our Back to School Carnival is our first PTA sponsored event of the year on Saturday, September 23rd from 12-4pm. Our PTA supports in-class enrichments and programming throughout the year. Giving generously helps us support your students!

Our carnival will take place in the schoolyard and on 11th Avenue.

Carnival Highlights:

  • 11th Avenue will be closed to traffic for extra fun

  • Bounce houses & obstacle course

  • Carnival games

  • Dunk tank

  • Face painting

  • Food, music, and fun for all!

Get your tickets in advance to save time and help us plan for our event. Tickets are required for all children 2 years old and older. Adults party for free. If you'd like to buy additional food, face painting or throws at the dunk tank, they can be purchased at the ticket booth on site.

Want to be a part of the carnival? Parent volunteers power PTA events like the Carnival. Please sign up for a shift to help make sure this event is a wonderful day for all

Summer News from the Garden!

Hi, this is Matt Reeck, the garden crew manager for this year.

First things first, anyone who wants to participate in gardening activities this year is more than welcome to join the Garden’s email list. Please email me at with an expression of interest and you’ll be joined!

We want the garden to be an integrated teaching space with Mr. Wong, our wonderful STEM teacher. Anyone with ideas of how to make that happen on a year-round basis is welcome.

Over the summer, we continued to take care of the garden, and there are just a few highlights.

Probably the most significant improvement came through the help of the father of one of our fourth graders. Tomas Peto at VP Moving—and his crew—filled and hauled 25 large bags of wood chips from Green-wood Cemetery to use as ground cover. They did it for free! So this is a shout-out to Tomas and his generosity. Their charity saved the school more than $600 and days of labor.

His company does short- and long-hauls (in NYC and inter-state). VP Moving is at (347) 663-1618 or

Otherwise, I hope these pictures are worth a thousand words.

Please reach out if you’re interested in learning more about the Garden Volunteer Team.

be more “in the know” about 154

Can’t get enough of your weekly PS154 news? We try to make easy - here are some ways to find out more:

July 27 Mid-Summer Updates

Hello Families!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! The school building feels so empty without students, and I can’t wait to see everyone back here in September! Please read below for a few updates, and expect to hear more in the coming weeks:


Mondays 8:00-2:20

Tuesday-Friday 8:20-2:40

Please go to the procedures page for the most current arrival/dismissal information.


We are switching to a new afterschool platform. The afterschool club catalog will be published next month, and registration will open in mid-August. More information on afterschool will be released in the next couple of weeks.


Last year, we had wonderful feedback about our Media Arts program and we are looking forward to continuing our Media Arts partnership with Ms. Eaton this year! We will have updates about music programming and grade-specific enrichments to share soon.


We will be reaching out in late August with your child’s class placement. Our teachers put a lot of thought and care into creating new classes, taking many factors into consideration. We are confident that all of our teachers will provide safe and nurturing classroom environments, and that our students will connect with their new teachers and make new friends in their new classes. We are unable to accommodate parent requests regarding class placement unless there is a documented safety concern. 


We will continue to use Remind for direct communications from the school. We will populate our 2023-24 classes in Remind after we have sent out class assignment letters in late August. We recommend that you download the Remind app if you haven’t yet. 

be more “in the know” about 154

Can’t get enough of your weekly PS154 news? We try to make easy - here are some ways to find out more:


If you have questions or concerns over the summer, please reach out to Tanica or Leila through Remind or by email.



Join us as we kick off the new school year with a Fall Carnival on Saturday, September 23rd from 12pm-5pm. It’s going to be HUGE. There will be tons of fun activities for kids, families, and friends including music, bounce houses, rides, games, and treats! (If we can convince anyone to sit in it, maybe a dunk tank?) You won’t want to miss it.

To make this event a success, we need volunteers. A LOT of volunteers. Please reach out to PTA or if you’re interested in planning or volunteering on the day of the event. 

Reminder: ALL proceeds from the event go directly to the PTA to help fund in-school enrichments (like music and chess!), assemblies (more author visits!), recess coaches, after-school opportunities and all the amazing things you help the PTA make possible for our kids.


The deadline for ordering Edukits is August 1 - the kits will be delivered to your home and we will let families know when you can deliver them to the school before Sept. 7. If you are not ordering an Edukit, you can view the supply lists here. It is important to us that all of our students feel prepared for the first day of school - if your family is experiencing financial difficulty, please reach out to Tanica for help with school supplies.

Order Edukits

View Supply Lists


✅Please make sure you have filled out the Remind Account Info Form.

✅Please make sure to sign up to get our the Weekly Newsletter delivered straight to your inbox! We also send a link to the newsletter through Remind every week, and it is published online at