Weekly Newsletter

Para español, haga clic aquí.

Please scroll down and read through the whole newsletter to find out all that is going on in and around our school. Also, you can find all of our newsletters here.


February 14 - Valentine’s Day Bake Sale, 2:30–5:00pm (Details below)

February 14 - NYC DOE Survey Open (Details below)

February 16 - Virtual PTA Meeting (Link below), 6:30pm

February 18 - Read-A-Thon Final Book Count Due (Details below)

February 18 - Bookmark Design Contest Entries Due (Details below)

February 21–February 25 - Midwinter Recess, School Is Closed

February 25 - Read-A-Thon Online Donations Due (Details below)

February 28 - Read-A-Thon Winners Announced

March 2 - Evening Parent Teacher Conferences (Details coming soon)

March 3 - Afternoon Parent Teacher Conferences, Early Dismissal at 11:40am (Details coming soon)

March 4 - Bookmark Design Contest Winners Announced

March 9 - Equity Meeting (Virtual), 4:30pm

March 9 - PTA Exec Meeting (Virtual), 6:30pm



Every year, 3-K, pre-K, and K-12 families and teachers take the NYC School Survey. Students in grades 6-12 also take the survey. The survey is aligned to the DOE's Framework for Great Schools and it helps school leaders understand what key members of their school community think about the learning environment at their school. The information captured by the survey is designed to support a dialogue among all members of the school community about how to make the school a better place to learn.

Starting on February 14, all families can take the survey online – in any of the nine NYCDOE supported languages – using their student’s nine-digit identification (OSIS) number. You can find the OSIS number on the report card, your NYCSA account, or you can call the school at 718-768-0057 and press 0 for the main office. Families completing the survey online should go to the NYC School Survey website (NYCSchoolSurvey.org), enter the letter “f” (lowercase) followed by their student’s nine-digit OSIS number, and complete the survey (e.g f123456789).

If needed, you can choose to complete the paper survey that is going home in your child’s backpack. 

Please note, a survey must be completed for each child you have in public school (even if they are in the same school).


Please check out the printable Covid-19 Guidance Charts from the DOE, which outline the steps you should take if your child feels sick, was exposed to COVID-19, or has tested positive: 

Covid 19 Guidance Charts 


In response to the shortage of quality masks in the marketplace, the PTA has organized a "mask bank" for families and staff to come pick up and/or donate high-filtration masks to wear at school.

If you have extra kid or adult size KF94, N95, or KN95 masks to contribute, please drop them off in the main office. We're hoping to maintain a robust pay-it-forward mask donation and distribution program to last the next couple of months.

If you're currently short on masks, we invite you to come pick up what you need for your child.

Mask donation: Any day before 2pm, in the main office.

Mask pickup: You may pick up a few masks from Debby (Sherman side of the building) any weekday between 8 and 8:30am.

As a reminder, as per DOE policy, acceptable face coverings at our school include but are not limited to cloth-based face coverings (e.g., homemade, sewn, or quick-cut masks), and disposable surgical masks that cover both the mouth and nose. The goal of the mask bank program is to assist families in procuring masks that provide the highest levels of filtration in order to minimize the risk of transmission. If you would rather that your child wear a cloth mask, they may continue to do so.


The demand for testing has waned, so our next LabQ testing van will be scheduled for the end of midwinter break. Details to come. The van will be parked on 11th Avenue at Sherman St. All are welcome.

If you’re already registered in the LabQ system, please bring your existing QR code. 

If this is your first time getting a LabQ test, please register in advance HERE



Letter from the Chancellor


New elementary school coming to District 15!

Opening SEPTEMBER 2022. A seat for EVERY child.

Serving 3K, 4K, PreK and Kindergarten grades in the first year.

Dear D15 Friends and Families,

Please share this information far and wide. District 15 has long awaited the opening of our new INCLUSIVE elementary school that will provide support to diverse learners, including those with IEP's and Multi-Lingual learners—a choice public school for ALL children.

In September 2022, PS 958 will open its doors in a NEW building designed specifically for our DISTRICT 15 students. This elementary school is being designed in collaboration with D15 families, educators, and education experts that specialize in universal design, meeting students where they are at and removing barriers to learning. The team is designing a flexible model of supports and services to ensure all students thrive in an inclusive setting.

District 15 believes strongly in an equitable, whole child model that supports the creative development of every child's special gifts and talents.

We invite you to learn more about this special new school, P.S. 958, during a virtual information session on Thurs, Feb 17 at 7 pm. Register with the link below. Interpretation will be provided in Spanish and Mandarin.

P.S. 958 Family Information Session

Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 7pm

RSVP here to receive the ZOOM Link https://forms.gle/mBsX5JTTUJMvxtTH7


  • All students/staff/visitors must complete their health screening at home every morning before they arrive in school. Click the link here: Online Health Screening Paper copies will be made available at school if needed.

  • Please complete your Covid-19 Testing Consent Form and return it to the main office. Forms were sent home this week for students who are missing consent. You can also provide consent online – go to schoolsaccount.nyc. Log in with your own email at the screen that looks like the DOE student login, then select the blue "my student" button. The link to the Covid-19 Testing Consent is at the top of that page.

  • All families must complete the Family Income Inquiry Form, which helps schools receive money for their programs regardless of if they qualify for free or reduced lunch. No need to sign up for school breakfast or lunch.

  • Complete the Emergency Blue Card here: Emergency Blue Card. We still need you to complete the entire form even if you updated this in your NYCSA. Please return the form to the main office, or email to fancona@ps154.org 



The PTA is excited to celebrate Valentine's Day with a BAKE SALE on Monday, Feb. 14 from 2:30-4:45pm on 11th Ave. Please support the PTA by baking (or buying!) goodies for us to sell.

We’re also seeking volunteers to run the sale, so please sign up HERE.

Please drop off your baked goods Monday between 7:45 and 8:45am at the 11th Ave entrance, and include an ingredient list. If items are not individually wrapped, please cover the tray securely with cellophane/foil. Thank you!


Please join us for this month’s virtual PTA General Meeting on Wednesday, February 16th at 6:30pm.
Zoom link: https://nycdoe.zoom.us/j/89590415189?pwd=cE0yQW50QnhDNnltQUFLYkJkbTRHZz09
Meeting ID: 895 9041 5189
Passcode: 690174


We’re so excited about our 2022 Read-A-Thon fundraiser! This has always been an important fundraiser for our school, so please read through your child’s packet for guidance on requesting donations from friends and family in recognition of your child’s efforts. Here is the link for donations: https://www.ps154.org/readathon-2022

We can’t wait to see what these amazing kids are able to accomplish!

You can find the Read-A-Thon instructions HERE and the reading log HERE.


We’re excited to see so many amazing entries already handed in for this year’s bookmark contest! The designs are due Friday, February 18. You can also find the template HERE. (Be sure to print it at 100% scale.)


The PTA is starting to plan upcoming events for Spring 2022. If you’ve ever thought about volunteering with the PTA, please email pta_info@ps154.org for meeting times and zoom info. We'd love to work with you!


lecture series

Please join this free zoom event: "Ordinary Citizens Performing Extraordinary Acts," a conversation with Richard E. Green & Rabbie Eli Cohen. Open to one and all!

Weekly Newsletter

Para español, haga clic aquí.

Please scroll down and read through the whole newsletter to find out all that is going on in and around our school. Also, you can find all of our newsletters here.


February 9 - Equity Meeting (Virtual), 4:30pm

February 9 - PTA Exec Meeting (Virtual), 6:30pm

February 16 - Virtual PTA Meeting (Link to be sent later), 6:30pm

February 18 - Read-A-Thon Final Book Count Due (Details below)

February 18 - Bookmark Design Contest Entries Due (Details below)

February 21–February 25 - Midwinter Recess, School Is Closed

February 25 - Read-A-Thon Online Donations Due (Details below)

March 2 - Evening Parent Teacher Conferences (details coming soon)

March 3 - Afternoon Parent Teacher Conferences, Early Dismissal at 11:40am (details coming soon)

March 4 - Bookmark Design Contest Winners Announced



Please check out the printable Covid-19 Guidance Charts from the DOE, which outline the steps you should take if your child feels sick, was exposed to COVID-19, or has tested positive: 

Covid 19 Guidance Charts 


In response to the shortage of quality masks in the marketplace, the PTA has organized a "mask bank" for families and staff to come pick up and/or donate high-filtration masks to wear at school.

If you have extra kid or adult size KF94, N95, or KN95 masks to contribute, please drop them off in the main office. We're hoping to maintain a robust pay-it-forward mask donation and distribution program to last the next couple of months.

If you're currently short on masks, we invite you to come pick up what you need for your child.

Mask donation: Any day before 2pm, in the main office.

Mask pickup: You may pick up a few masks from Debby (Sherman side of the building) any weekday between 8 and 8:30am.

As a reminder, as per DOE policy, acceptable face coverings at our school include but are not limited to cloth-based face coverings (e.g., homemade, sewn, or quick-cut masks), and disposable surgical masks that cover both the mouth and nose. The goal of the mask bank program is to assist families in procuring masks that provide the highest levels of filtration in order to minimize the risk of transmission. If you would rather that your child wear a cloth mask, they may continue to do so.


The PTA has arranged for LabQ to administer PCR tests EVERY THURSDAY outside of PS 154. The van will be parked on 11th Avenue. All are welcome, so please share widely:

  • February 10: 2:30–4:30pm

  • February 17: 7:30–9:30am

  • February 24: 2:30–4:30pm

If you’re already registered in the LabQ system, please bring your existing QR code. 

If this is your first time getting a LabQ test, please register in advance HERE



Letter from the Chancellor


  • All students/staff/visitors must complete their health screening at home every morning before they arrive in school. Click the link here: Online Health Screening Paper copies will be made available at school if needed.

  • Please complete your Covid-19 Testing Consent Form and return it to the main office. Forms were sent home this week for students who are missing consent. You can also provide consent online – go to schoolsaccount.nyc. Log in with your own email at the screen that looks like the DOE student login, then select the blue "my student" button. The link to the Covid-19 Testing Consent is at the top of that page.

  • All families must complete the Family Income Inquiry Form, which helps schools receive money for their programs regardless of if they qualify for free or reduced lunch. No need to sign up for school breakfast or lunch.

  • Complete the Emergency Blue Card here: Emergency Blue Card. We still need you to complete the entire form even if you updated this in your NYCSA. Please return the form to the main office, or email to fancona@ps154.org 



The Golden Lions troupe put on an amazing show for the children on Wednesday! We were thrilled to see so many families watching from the sidelines.

The PTA is grateful for all the financial support we receive from our families, which allows us not only to provide enriching arts and academic programming at school, but also to create memorable experiences like these for our students.


We’re so excited about our 2022 Read-A-Thon fundraiser! This has always been an important fundraiser for our school, so please read through your child’s packet for guidance on requesting donations from friends and family in recognition of your child’s efforts. Here is the link for donations: https://www.ps154.org/readathon-2022

We can’t wait to see what these amazing kids are able to accomplish!

You can find the Read-A-Thon instructions HERE and the reading log HERE.


We’re excited to announce this year’s bookmark contest! The template and instructions will go home in backpacks early next week, and the designs will be due Friday, February 18. You can also find the template HERE. (Be sure to print it at 100% scale.)


The PTA is starting to plan upcoming events for Spring 2022. If you’ve ever thought about volunteering with the PTA, please email pta_info@ps154.org for meeting times and zoom info. We'd love to work with you!



Gender Development, Expression, and Play (English)

Monday, February 7, 2022, 6:30–8:30 pm


Weekly Newsletter

Para español, haga clic aquí.

Please scroll down and read through the whole newsletter to find out all that is going on in and around our school. Also, you can find all of our newsletters here.


February 1 - Lunar New Year, School Is Closed

February 2 - Golden Lions troupe assembly, 2:30pm (details below)

February 2 - World Read Aloud Day

February 9 - Equity Meeting (Virtual), 4:30pm

February 9 - PTA Exec Meeting (Virtual), 6:30pm

February 16 - Virtual PTA Meeting (Link to be sent later), 6:30pm

February 21–February 25 - Midwinter Recess, School Is Closed

March 2 - Evening Parent Teacher Conferences (details coming soon)

March 3 - Afternoon Parent Teacher Conferences, Early Dismissal at 11:40am (details coming soon)



Click on the flyer for details.


In response to the shortage of quality masks in the marketplace, the PTA has organized a "mask bank" for families and staff to come pick up and/or donate high-filtration masks to wear at school.

If you have extra kid or adult size KF94, N95, or KN95 masks to contribute, please drop them off in the main office. We're hoping to maintain a robust pay-it-forward mask donation and distribution program to last the next couple of months.

If you're currently short on masks, we invite you to come pick up what you need for your child.

Mask donation: Any day before 2pm, in the main office.

Mask pickup: You may pick up a few masks from Debby (Sherman side of the building) any weekday between 8 and 8:30am.

As a reminder, as per DOE policy, acceptable face coverings at our school include but are not limited to cloth-based face coverings (e.g., homemade, sewn, or quick-cut masks), and disposable surgical masks that cover both the mouth and nose. The goal of the mask bank program is to assist families in procuring masks that provide the highest levels of filtration in order to minimize the risk of transmission. If you would rather that your child wear a cloth mask, they may continue to do so.


The PTA has arranged for LabQ to administer PCR tests EVERY THURSDAY outside of PS 154. The van will be parked on 11th Avenue. All are welcome, so please share widely:

  • February 3: 7:30–9:30am

  • February 10: 2:30–4:30pm

  • February 17: 7:30–9:30am

  • February 24: 2:30–4:30pm

If you’re already registered in the LabQ system, please bring your existing QR code. 

If this is your first time getting a LabQ test, please register in advance HERE



Letter from the Chancellor


  • All students/staff/visitors must complete their health screening at home every morning before they arrive in school. Click the link here: Online Health Screening Paper copies will be made available at school if needed.

  • Please complete your Covid-19 Testing Consent Form and return it to the main office. Forms were sent home this week for students who are missing consent. You can also provide consent online – go to schoolsaccount.nyc. Log in with your own email at the screen that looks like the DOE student login, then select the blue "my student" button. The link to the Covid-19 Testing Consent is at the top of that page.

  • All families must complete the Family Income Inquiry Form, which helps schools receive money for their programs regardless of if they qualify for free or reduced lunch. No need to sign up for school breakfast or lunch.

  • Complete the Emergency Blue Card here: Emergency Blue Card. We still need you to complete the entire form even if you updated this in your NYCSA. Please return the form to the main office, or email to fancona@ps154.org 



Families, we invite you to gather outside the schoolyard at 2:30pm on Wednesday, February 2 to watch the symbolic Lion Dance presented by the Golden Lions troupe. The children will be in the schoolyard with the performers and will be dismissed at the regular pickup time.


We’re so excited about our 2022 Read-A-Thon fundraiser! This has always been an important fundraiser for our school, so please read through your child’s packet for guidance on requesting donations from friends and family in recognition of your child’s efforts. Here is the link for donations: https://www.ps154.org/readathon-2022

We can’t wait to see what these amazing kids are able to accomplish!

You can find the Read-A-Thon instructions HERE and the reading log HERE.


The PTA is starting to plan upcoming events for Spring 2022. If you’ve ever thought about volunteering with the PTA, please email pta_info@ps154.org for meeting times and zoom info. We'd love to work with you!



Park Slope Community Church, 251 12th St between 4th & 5th Ave
This Saturday, Jan 29 from 10am to 11:30am, PS 124 is hosting a Food Pantry and Coat Giveaway at the Park Slope Community Church, 251 12th St between 4th & 5th Ave.


The INCLUDEnyc Fair is New York City's largest annual fair for young people with disabilities, where you can connect with summer camps, recreational programs, supports, and services from the safety and convenience of your own home.Date: January 29; Time: 9am - 1pm; Location: Virtual, register here: Registration


Check out the flyers for more information: ENGLISH, SPANISH, CHINESE

Weekly Newsletter

Para español, haga clic aquí.

Please scroll down and read through the whole newsletter to find out all that is going on in and around our school. Also, you can find all of our newsletters here.


January 21 - Kindergarten Enrollment Deadline!

January 25 - Virtual SLT Meeting, 4:30pm (check calendar for details)

January 26 - PTA Virtual Meeting, 6:30pm (Zoom Link TBA)

January 27 - LabQ Testing Van, 2:30–4:30pm

February 1 - Lunar New Year, School Is Closed

February 2 - World Read Aloud Day

February 9 - Equity Meeting (Virtual), 4:30pm

February 9 - PTA Exec Meeting (Virtual), 6:30pm

February 16 - Virtual PTA Meeting (Link to be sent later), 6:30pm

February 21–February 25 - Midwinter Recess, School Is Closed



Get Ready for Kindergarten!

If your child was born in 2017, you should apply to Kindergarten. The application process is done completely online. The deadline to apply is today, January 21, 2022. You can access MySchools now to get started on your child's application.



Click on the flyer for details.



In response to the shortage of quality masks in the marketplace, the PTA has organized a "mask bank" for families and staff to come pick up and/or donate high-filtration masks to wear at school.

If you have extra kid or adult size KF94, N95, or KN95 masks to contribute, please drop them off in the main office. We're hoping to maintain a robust pay-it-forward mask donation and distribution program to last the next couple of months.

If you're currently short on masks, we invite you to come pick up what you need for your child.

Mask donation: Any day before 2pm, in the main office.

Mask pickup: You may pick up a few masks from Debby (Sherman side of the building) any weekday between 8 and 8:30am.

As a reminder, as per DOE policy, acceptable face coverings at our school include but are not limited to cloth-based face coverings (e.g., homemade, sewn, or quick-cut masks), and disposable surgical masks that cover both the mouth and nose. The goal of the mask bank program is to assist families in procuring masks that provide the highest levels of filtration in order to minimize the risk of transmission. If you would rather that your child wear a cloth mask, they may continue to do so.



The PTA has arranged for LabQ to administer PCR tests EVERY THURSDAY outside of PS 154. The van will be parked on 11th Avenue. All are welcome, so please share widely:

  • January 27: 2:30–4:30pm

  • February 3: 7:30–9:30am

  • February 10: 2:30–4:30pm

  • February 17: 7:30–9:30am

  • February 24: 2:30–4:30pm

If you’re already registered in the LabQ system, please bring your existing QR code. 

If this is your first time getting a LabQ test, please register in advance HERE



Letter from the Chancellor


  • All students/staff/visitors must complete their health screening at home every morning before they arrive in school. Click the link here: Online Health Screening Paper copies will be made available at school if needed.

  • Please complete your Covid-19 Testing Consent Form and return it to the main office. Forms were sent home this week for students who are missing consent. You can also provide consent online – go to schoolsaccount.nyc. Log in with your own email at the screen that looks like the DOE student login, then select the blue "my student" button. The link to the Covid-19 Testing Consent is at the top of that page.

  • All families must complete the Family Income Inquiry Form, which helps schools receive money for their programs regardless of if they qualify for free or reduced lunch. No need to sign up for school breakfast or lunch.

  • Complete the Emergency Blue Card here: Emergency Blue Card. We still need you to complete the entire form even if you updated this in your NYCSA. Please return the form to the main office, or email to fancona@ps154.org 



We’re so excited about our 2022 Read-A-Thon fundraiser! The informational packet and log went home in folders on Tuesday.

This has always been an important fundraiser for our school, so please read through the packet for guidance on requesting donations from friends and family in recognition of your child’s efforts. Here is the link for donations: ps154.org/read-a-thon

We can’t wait to see what these amazing kids are able to accomplish!



The PTA is starting to plan upcoming events for Spring 2022. If you’ve ever thought about volunteering with the PTA, please email pta_info@ps154.org for meeting times and zoom info. We'd love to work with you!



Check out the flyers for more information: ENGLISH, SPANISH, CHINESE